发布时间:2018-08-24 12:06
【摘要】:随着发达国家经济状况逐渐好转,由次贷危机(Subprim e Crisis)引起的百年一遇的金融危机正逐渐离我们远去。痛定思痛,回顾危机的起源和发展,作为金融支柱行业的商业银行能从中获取不少有益的经验和教训。严格约束资本金充足率,完善风险管理机制,稳健实施金融创新、提高资本利用率,是商业银行在后金融危机时代的发展策略。
[Abstract]:With the economic situation of developed countries gradually improving, the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis (Subprim e Crisis) is gradually leaving us. Reviewing the origin and development of the crisis, commercial banks, as the pillar industries of finance, can gain many useful experiences and lessons. It is the development strategy of commercial banks in the post-financial crisis era to strictly restrict the capital adequacy ratio, perfect the risk management mechanism, implement the financial innovation steadily and improve the capital utilization ratio.
【作者单位】: 招商银行昆明春城路支行;
[Abstract]:With the economic situation of developed countries gradually improving, the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis (Subprim e Crisis) is gradually leaving us. Reviewing the origin and development of the crisis, commercial banks, as the pillar industries of finance, can gain many useful experiences and lessons. It is the development strategy of commercial banks in the post-financial crisis era to strictly restrict the capital adequacy ratio, perfect the risk management mechanism, implement the financial innovation steadily and improve the capital utilization ratio.
【作者单位】: 招商银行昆明春城路支行;