[Abstract]:Rural economy is an important part of national economy. The development of rural economy urgently needs the support of credit fund. After 20 years of development, microfinance has played an effective role in alleviating the contradiction between the supply and demand of money in the rural financial market, widening the sources of funds of rural credit cooperatives, and optimizing the rural financial structure. However, under the condition that the market economy and the rural microfinance system are not perfect in our country, because of the influence of the policy and the commercial dual attribute, the implementation of the micro-credit is dispersed and the organization system is not perfect, which affects the development of the rural economy. Starting from the actual situation of rural microfinance in Harbin, this paper introduces the relevant theories and defines the concept of microfinance, and draws lessons from the domestic microfinance development experience. Aiming at the problems of external macro policy environment, internal system and mechanism, risk and non-standard prevention, farmers' own problems, single microcredit carrier, insufficient sources of funds of microfinance institutions in Harbin, Based on the analysis of micro-credit theory, the author finds out the deep reasons of rural micro-credit problem in Harbin, and puts forward the following countermeasures: first, to perfect the management framework of peasant household micro-credit loan; second, to promote the innovation of financial system. To create a good policy environment for microfinance; third, to establish and improve the credit system of farmers, improve the ability of risk prevention; fourth, to improve the comprehensive quality of farmers, to lay a mass foundation for microcredit; Fifth, to promote the development of rural microfinance diversification model; sixth, to develop multi-level rural microfinance carrier. Through the study of this paper, the first is to grasp the current situation and existing problems in the development of rural economy in Harbin, and the second is to put forward constructive suggestions and suggestions to promote the sustainable development of rural microfinance business in Harbin.
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