[Abstract]:The relationship between investment and financing decision is a hot issue in corporate finance. Because of the problems of taxation, issue cost, agency and information asymmetry, the financing decision of a company can influence the investment decision of the company. The difference between internal and external capital costs will change the motivation of managers to invest in different projects. As an important basis for the growth of the company and the future cash flow growth, investment has an important impact on the profit level of the company, the operating risk and the evaluation of the development of the capital market. The investment behavior of the company is an important factor that affects the operation of macro economy and micro economy as well as the operation of capital market. The sensitivity of investment and cash flow is the relationship between cash flow and firm investment. This is also one of the hotspots in the western financial theory research in the past 20 years. Many western scholars have found that there is a significant positive correlation between the internal cash flow and the investment expenditure. Western scholars have given two main theories to explain the sensitivity between investment and cash flow. One is the information asymmetry theory, which makes the cost of using internal funds lower than that of external funds. It makes the company prefer to use the internal cash flow as the source of investment; another explanation is the agency problem, because the management of the company misuses the company's internal cash flow because the objectives of the management and the shareholders are inconsistent. In this paper, more than 1600 listed companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2011 are selected as samples, the Tobin Q model is taken as the basis of the model, and the least square linear regression method is used as the basic method. This paper analyzes the sensitivity of Chinese listed companies' investment cash flow, tests whether Chinese listed companies have the sensitivity of investment to cash flow, and finds that there is a significant positive correlation between Chinese listed companies' investment and cash flow. However, there is no obvious relationship between investment and Tobin Q. We find that the sensitivity coefficient between investment and cash flow of large scale companies is higher than that between small firms' investment and cash flow, but there is no obvious linear relationship between investment and cash flow. Through the classification of the company's debt size, we find that the investment of the larger debt company is more sensitive to the cash flow, and there is no significant linear relationship between the investment and the cash flow of the company with the smaller debt size. Finally, we classify the company according to the size of the financial constraints received by the company, and verify the influence of the financing constraints on the sensitivity of the company's investment cash flow. The results show that there is a significant correlation between the investment and cash flow of the company with small financing constraints, but there is no obvious linear relationship between the investment and cash flow of the firm with the larger financing constraint. The last part is a summary of the previous theoretical analysis and empirical results, as well as the recommendations for these situations. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: first, the change of stock price of listed companies is added to the relationship between investment and cash flow. In previous domestic studies, most of the authors only consider Tobin Q value and the influence of cash flow on investment. The change in the value of the company's stock is not added to the independent variable. The other is to divide the company into two categories: the company which is restricted by the financing and the company which is not restricted by the financing according to the standard of free cash flow flowing into the company.
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