[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the correlation between the intensity of international trade, the intensity of foreign direct investment (FDI) and the change of industrial structure and the cooperativeness of Chinese trading partners in the business cycle, and discusses the main transmission factors of the cooperativeness of the business cycle under the condition of economic globalization. Transmission effect and its effect on China's economic growth. Using the data of China and its 27 main trading partners from 1990 to 2008, the empirical test is carried out by using the general least square estimation method of panel data model. The results show that the influence of trade intensity is greater than that of investment among the influencing factors of economic cycle synergy between China and developed trading partners. The test results of the economic cycle synergy between China and developing trading partners are as follows: there is a significant positive correlation between the intensity of bilateral trade and the intensity of GDP, the similarity of industrial structure and the periodicity of GDP. This paper also shows that although China's economic growth is still mainly driven by domestic labor force and domestic investment, the intensity of bilateral trade and FDI has become an important factor affecting the coordination of the international economic cycle. The convergence of international economic cycle in the development of economic globalization makes the research of international economic policy coordination become an important subject.
【作者单位】: 浙江工业大学经贸管理学院;浙江工业大学;
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10 R壱鎶,