[Abstract]:Finance is the core of the economy. In China, banks play a dominant role in the financial system. The level of competitiveness of commercial banks has long been the common concern of all walks of life in China. One of the key factors to enhance the competitiveness of commercial banks is to improve their profitability. Since the reform and opening up, especially China has joined the WTO. Since the WTO, with the further opening of China's capital market to foreign banks, the survival and development of domestic commercial banks are facing greater pressure and challenges. In order to remain invincible in the competition with foreign banks, the most important thing for Chinese commercial banks is to improve their profitability and strengthen their own strength. The profitability of Chinese commercial banks and its influencing factors are helpful to understand the profitability of the whole banking industry in China, and to guide Chinese commercial banks to better meet external challenges and achieve more effective internal management.
This paper first introduces the background of the topic, the purpose and significance of the study and the research results on the influencing factors of the profitability of commercial banks at home and abroad. Then, in theory, this paper expounds the commercial banks from the two aspects of the concept and operating principles of commercial banks, and introduces the profitability from the perspective of the definition of profitability and the profitability model of commercial banks. Finally, the paper makes a normative analysis of the internal and external factors affecting the profitability of commercial banks, and puts forward seven theoretical hypotheses: hypothesis 1: there is a significant positive correlation between the capital adequacy ratio and profitability of commercial banks in China; hypothesis 2: the asset quality and profitability of commercial banks in China There is a positive correlation between them; hypothesis 3: non-interest expenses / average assets and the profitability of commercial banks in China are significantly negative correlation; hypothesis 4: China's commercial banks exist economies of scale, that is, there is a significant positive correlation between bank size and profitability; hypothesis 5: there is a tax and profitability of commercial banks in China. Hypothesis 6: Macroeconomic environment has a significant impact on the profitability of Chinese commercial banks, and there is a significant negative correlation between exchange rate fluctuation and profitability; Hypothesis 7: Financial structure has a significant impact on the profitability of Chinese commercial banks.
In the empirical part, this paper firstly constructs an index system which includes an explanatory variable and 13 explanatory variables according to the situation of our country. The data is collected from the panel data of 14 banks of 16 listed banks in China from 2003 to 2010. Then, the relevant indexes of state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks are analyzed. After descriptive statistics, the panel data of four state-owned commercial banks, ten joint-stock commercial banks and fourteen commercial banks are linearly regressed. In addition, the degree of Bank Monopoly is not conducive to the increase or decrease of the income of state-owned commercial banks, but is conducive to the increase of the income of joint-stock commercial banks.
On the basis of the above empirical analysis, the fourth part of this paper combines the domestic and foreign economic development situation, puts forward countermeasures and suggestions aimed at improving the profitability of China's commercial banks, including: improving the quality of loans; enhancing the financial innovation capability; establishing an effective risk control system; introducing strategic investors to attract foreign investment. Stocks, reduce banking concentration, promote effective competition among banks, and create a favorable external economic environment.
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