[Abstract]:In the 2008 ~ 2009 round of high-speed credit, the local government financing platform is the most active and most worthy of attention. The ultra-high debt ratio of financing platforms, the illegal guarantee commitments of local governments, the shortage of project capital and the low solvency of projects have caused people to worry about the rapid and large number of loans from local government financing platforms. Not only will the debt burden of local governments be increased and then the future financial risks may be formed, but the investment risks will also be transferred to the banking system and hidden financial risks will be buried. The risk of local government financing platforms is also of great concern to management. In June 2010, The State Council has issued the Circular on strengthening the Management of Local Government financing platform companies (hereinafter referred to as "the notice"), requiring verification and clean-up of the financing platform companies and their debts, Also calls for strengthening banking financial institutions to the financing platform companies credit management. Before that, the CBRC had requested that loans from government financing platform companies issued in the past be "opened, checked, reassessed, revised and preserved" and disposed of in a classified manner. In the process of "unwrapping and restoring" loans being carried out by local banking institutions, we are concerned with the following questions: what measures have been taken by banking institutions to resolve risks, and what practical difficulties they are facing; In the process of "unpacking and restoring", they have some reflections and suggestions on the credit cooperation between banks and local governments in the future. The current interview guests include Yu Xuejun, director of the Jiangsu Supervision Bureau of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, Wei, president of the Sichuan Branch of the China Development Bank, and Zhang Jiguang, an expert in the strategic management department of the Shanghai Bank of China.
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