[Abstract]:In recent years, the CPC Central Committee has issued a series of documents on agriculture to support the development of agriculture. Agricultural industrialization, as a new mode of production, reflects the combination of new productive forces and production relations. Heilongjiang reclamation area has a good natural and social environment, and has the advantages of realizing agricultural industrialization. Under the action of socialist market mechanism, the proportion of financial funds supporting agriculture has been declining, and the development of agricultural industrialization has to seek financial support in the financial market. At present, there are many problems in the financial market of Heilongjiang reclamation area, such as insufficient total credit input, lack of financial innovation, imperfect insurance mechanism, and so on, which do not provide sufficient support for the development of agricultural industrialization. Therefore, it is necessary to study the financial support of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang reclamation area and explore the ways to realize the development of financial support for agricultural industrialization. This paper first defines the connotation of agricultural industrialization and financial support, and discusses the theories related to the research of the paper, and then introduces the development of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang reclamation area and local areas. Selecting agricultural industrialization level index and financial supporting agriculture index in reclamation area, analyzing the correlation degree of the two, using SPSS13.0 statistical software, to explore the conclusion that the two are closely related; then to the current situation of financial support in reclamation area, From the supply point of view to find out the existing problems, through the use of questionnaires, the main agricultural industrialization of the main participants in the financial needs of the investigation, analysis of the main financial demand of the main reasons, Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions such as speeding up financial innovation, improving service quality, perfecting agricultural insurance system in reclamation area, and strengthening coordination between financial policy and other policies.
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