[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the application of mathematical model based on strict theory in actual pairing transactions. Based on the analysis of pairing trading strategy, some key concepts in pairing transaction are described quantitatively from the point of view of mathematics. At the same time, this paper expounds and analyzes the two key points in the matching transaction, that is, the choice of the transaction pair and the selection of the time of establishing the position. For the choice of transaction pairs, this paper uses the cointegration method in statistics, trying to find out the value of closely related securities in the sense of matching transactions, in order to explore more and better trading opportunities. For the selection of building time, this paper gives the important relation between the maximum detection model and the selection of the time of building the position of the pairing transaction, that is, theoretically speaking, using this kind of model can select the time of building the position to maximize the profit of the paired transaction. In order to integrate the maximum detection model into the actual pairing transaction, and realize the corresponding program transaction method, so as to realize the research goal of this paper, this paper firstly selects the existing maximum detection model in the maximum value target. The similarities and differences of model solving methods are compared and analyzed. Then, the detection of the local limit maximum of a special maximum detection problem, the mean recovery process, is discussed. This paper also discusses the necessary links in the process of practical pairing transactions, including the cointegration test method of financial price time series and the parameter estimation of mean recovery process. The numerical realization method of the maximum detection model of the mean recovery process provides the possibility for the practical application of the theoretical model. On this basis, this paper establishes a complete program testing framework for pairing transactions, which is implemented by MATLAB software, including data processing and analysis, cointegration judgment of securities price series and portfolio parameter estimation. The parameter estimation of the maximum detection model, the implementation of the trading strategy and the calculation of the optimal position time, as well as the evaluation of the performance of the final algorithm. At the same time, based on this framework and using the historical data of futures market, this paper tests the performance of the programmed pairing algorithm and compares it with the current strategy of choosing the time of establishment of the pairing transaction. The results show that the performance of the algorithm is satisfactory and in most cases the performance is better than that of the current common strategy of choosing the time to build a position in a pair of transactions. In this paper, the maximum detection technique, a pure theoretical model method, is first applied to the pairing transaction, and the opportunity of applying the maximum detection theory to the actual pairing transaction is found. On this basis, a set of complete pairing transaction procedural framework is established, which is an innovative attempt.
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