发布时间:2018-10-19 19:40
【摘要】:由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对世界经济、政治和现有的国际金融体系等均产生了巨大的影响。本文通过对马克思主义金融危机思想进行挖掘和整理并以此为基础,以2008年发生的全球金融危机为蓝本,对全球金融危机爆发、扩展、持续的过程、影响以及全球金融危机产生的深层原因进行了分析和探究。金融危机的全面爆发及其广泛影响,既对现有国际政治、经济秩序提出了严峻的挑战,又为世界各国的交流与合作提供了一次难得的契机,尤其对新生经济体国家的发展具有重要意义。在化解全球金融危机的过程中,世界各国都做出了不同程度的努力。中国政府和人民“化危为机”,通过卓有成效的积极努力,为化解全球金融危机和振兴世界经济做出了突出的贡献,同时彰显了社会主义的优越性。 本文以马克思主义为视角,以马克思主义金融危机思想为理论基础,坚持用唯物辩证法的思想方法,客观、辩证、历史地分析和研究了全球金融危机问题。本文在比较系统地整理了马克思主义金融危机思想的基础上,围绕以下几个问题进行了初步探讨:第 全球金融危机产生的根本原因;第二,全球金融危机造成的影响;第三,世界各国化解全球金融危机的举措;第四,全球金融危机带给我们的启示。 本文的创新之处主要在于始终坚持用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法去分析、探究、解决全球金融危机问题,指出全球金融危机产生的深层原因在于资本主义制度的内在缺陷和资本主义基本矛盾,明确提出只有坚持改革开放、坚持社会主义道路才能真正避免和化解金融危机。
[Abstract]:The global financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has had a great impact on the world economy, politics and the existing international financial system. This paper, by digging and sorting out the thought of the Marxist financial crisis and taking the global financial crisis in 2008 as the blueprint, makes an extensive and continuous process of the global financial crisis. The impact and the deep causes of the global financial crisis are analyzed and explored. The full-scale outbreak of the financial crisis and its widespread impact have not only posed a severe challenge to the existing international political and economic order, but also provided a rare opportunity for the exchanges and cooperation of various countries in the world. Especially to the new economy country's development has the important significance. In the process of resolving the global financial crisis, countries all over the world have made efforts to varying degrees. The Chinese government and people have made outstanding contributions to resolving the global financial crisis and revitalizing the world economy through fruitful and active efforts, and at the same time have demonstrated the superiority of socialism. From the perspective of Marxism and on the theoretical basis of Marxist thought of financial crisis, this paper analyzes and studies the problem of global financial crisis objectively, dialectically and historically by means of materialist dialectics. On the basis of systematizing the thought of Marxist financial crisis, this paper discusses the following problems: the root cause of the global financial crisis; second, The impact of the global financial crisis; third, the measures taken by the world countries to resolve the global financial crisis; fourth, the enlightenment of the global financial crisis to us. The main innovation of this paper is that we always adhere to the Marxist position, point of view, and methods to analyze, explore, and solve the global financial crisis. The paper points out that the deep cause of the global financial crisis lies in the inherent defects of the capitalist system and the basic contradiction of capitalism, and points out clearly that only by persisting in reform and opening up and adhering to the socialist road can the financial crisis be really avoided and resolved.
[Abstract]:The global financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has had a great impact on the world economy, politics and the existing international financial system. This paper, by digging and sorting out the thought of the Marxist financial crisis and taking the global financial crisis in 2008 as the blueprint, makes an extensive and continuous process of the global financial crisis. The impact and the deep causes of the global financial crisis are analyzed and explored. The full-scale outbreak of the financial crisis and its widespread impact have not only posed a severe challenge to the existing international political and economic order, but also provided a rare opportunity for the exchanges and cooperation of various countries in the world. Especially to the new economy country's development has the important significance. In the process of resolving the global financial crisis, countries all over the world have made efforts to varying degrees. The Chinese government and people have made outstanding contributions to resolving the global financial crisis and revitalizing the world economy through fruitful and active efforts, and at the same time have demonstrated the superiority of socialism. From the perspective of Marxism and on the theoretical basis of Marxist thought of financial crisis, this paper analyzes and studies the problem of global financial crisis objectively, dialectically and historically by means of materialist dialectics. On the basis of systematizing the thought of Marxist financial crisis, this paper discusses the following problems: the root cause of the global financial crisis; second, The impact of the global financial crisis; third, the measures taken by the world countries to resolve the global financial crisis; fourth, the enlightenment of the global financial crisis to us. The main innovation of this paper is that we always adhere to the Marxist position, point of view, and methods to analyze, explore, and solve the global financial crisis. The paper points out that the deep cause of the global financial crisis lies in the inherent defects of the capitalist system and the basic contradiction of capitalism, and points out clearly that only by persisting in reform and opening up and adhering to the socialist road can the financial crisis be really avoided and resolved.
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