[Abstract]:From 1978 to now, the development of foreign banks in China has undergone tremendous and profound changes, the various aspects of regulation of foreign banks in our country have been gradually developed and perfected both in experience and legal system. The 2012 National Conference on the Supervision of Foreign Banks held in Beijing recently reviewed the achievements made in the opening up of the banking sector and the supervision of foreign banks over the past ten years since China's accession to the WTO, and studied and deployed the supervision of foreign banks in 2012. This shows that the entry regulation of foreign banks has a certain practical significance. The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze how the entry regulation of foreign banks in China plays a role in China's banking industry, whether there is a problem of regulatory transition, which restricts foreign banks from playing their competitive role. It also analyzes the historical stage of China's treatment of the entry of foreign banks and where it should develop. By changing the traditional econometric model and adding a virtual variable to describe the degree of entry regulation, this paper carries out the least square calculation of the banking data from 2004 to 2010 in China. It is concluded that the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign Banks and the detailed rules of implementation issued in 2006 have a significant and far-reaching impact on the banking industry of China. However, the lack of control variables of foreign banks indicates that the development of foreign banks in our country is still in the initial stage, the development is slow, the impact on the efficiency of China's banking industry is not significant, and the role of competition is not fully brought into play. After empirical analysis, this paper studies the entry regulation of foreign banks in the United States, the European Union, Canada, Japan and other countries through case studies, and draws lessons from international experience. The conclusion of this paper is that our country should continue to strengthen the relaxation of entry regulation of foreign banks, introduce specific regulatory policies to promote the rapid development of foreign banks in China, and give full play to the role of competition. At the same time, in addition to deregulation, incentives should be added to encourage foreign banks to invest and scale in China, expand the establishment of business outlets in China, and narrow the gap with domestic banks in the network size of business outlets. In the process of opening to foreign banks, the process of interest rate marketization and capital account opening should be carried out simultaneously, so as to increase the competitive role of foreign banks. Finally, the conclusion of entry regulation of foreign banks is that measures should be taken in accordance with the times. It is necessary to encourage the entry of foreign banks in the initial stage, to make the banks of our country develop in the adverse circumstances, and to strengthen the supervision in the course of regulation so as to prevent the adverse competition brought by foreign banks from becoming a banking crisis.
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