[Abstract]:In recent years, supply chain finance, as a new form of financing, has attracted wide attention in industry and academia. It is a new business field developed by commercial banks for the development of industrial supply chain management. Unlike simple trade finance products, supply chain finance is reached between commercial banks and their company's major clients, based on providing them with financing and other settlement, financial services, and providing timely payment facilities to their upstream suppliers. Or at the same time to its downstream distributors to provide advance payment and inventory financing services. It can be said that supply chain finance is a systematic financing arrangement for all members of the supply chain at the same time. The good development prospect and the rich profit urge the state-owned and foreign banks to join in the competition of the supply chain finance business one after another. At present, the research on credit risk of supply chain finance at home and abroad has just started, mainly based on the evaluation method of single enterprise credit risk. However, the credit risk measurement of financing enterprises in supply chain finance is different from that of single financing enterprises. Its main feature is that debt has a high degree of correlation, which leads to the debt default dependence is strong, there is default contagion. Therefore, the measurement of default dependence among financing enterprises in supply chain finance becomes the key to solve the above problems. In view of this, from the perspective of commercial banks, this paper takes the supply chain financing enterprises in the supply chain finance business as the research object, focusing on the measurement of default dependence among supply chain financing enterprises. Using the sample of listed companies in China's automobile industry chain, and based on the sample company's stock price and related financial data, combined with KMV model, Copula function theory and risk value technology, The quantitative analysis framework of portfolio credit risk based on default dependence is constructed. With the help of Matlab (R2011a) calculation tool software, the measurement of portfolio credit risk in supply chain finance is studied empirically. Firstly, a series of paths of default contagion among financing enterprises in supply chain finance are systematically summarized, which is used as the basis for further research. Secondly, using the KMV model and the collected sample data, the paper measures the relative default risk metrics such as the expected default distance of the single supply chain financing enterprises. Thirdly, the default dependence structure between the core enterprise and other supply chain financing enterprises is introduced in the credit risk measurement process of supply chain finance by using the default dependence analysis method based on Copula function, and the selection metric function is optimized. Finally, according to the selected optimal Copula function, the default dependency structure among supply chain financing enterprises is described, and the joint default probability and portfolio credit risk value of supply chain financing enterprises are measured. Thus, the credit risk of enterprise portfolio in supply chain finance can be measured more reasonably, and the existing research will be supplemented. At the same time, it provides quantitative analysis and decision reference for commercial banks to carry out supply chain financial business. The results show that Copula function is used to describe the default dependence among supply chain financing enterprises, and combined with structured credit risk measurement model and risk value technology. In order to realize the transformation from single supply chain financing enterprise credit risk measurement to portfolio credit risk measurement, it can capture the infectious default dependence part of the supply chain associated financing enterprise default dependence. It can better determine the size of portfolio credit risk of financing enterprises in supply chain finance, so that commercial banks can avoid the related risks more accurately and flexibly.
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