[Abstract]:Based on the monthly trade data between China and Australia, this paper analyzes the impact of the changes in the exchange rates of the Australian dollar and the RMB on the pricing behavior of Chinese and Australian exporters under the impact of the US financial crisis. The study found that price discrimination and degree of discrimination vary from product to product. Due to the strong substitutability of some Chinese products and Australian local products, the phenomenon of "export price stickiness" is reflected in the pricing of Chinese exports to Australia. On the other hand, due to the advantage of Australia's natural resources, some products have the international pricing power, and the phenomenon of "export price stickiness" is not reflected in Australia's export to China.
【作者单位】: 上海对外贸易学院金融学院;上海社会科学院世界经济研究所;
【基金】:澳大利亚澳中理事会竞争项目课题(Australian China Council CompetitiveProject2009)的资助 上海市教委学科建设金融学项目(J51201)的资助
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