[Abstract]:In the principles of interest rate risk Management issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, interest rate risk is defined as the risk brought by the adverse change of interest rate to the bank's financial situation. In recent years, the fierce interbank competition and the acceleration of the interest rate marketization process require commercial banks to gradually change their business emphasis from traditional loan business to more diversified business combinations, so that the risk situation of commercial banks is controlled at an acceptable level. Interest rate control has been implemented for a long time in our country, and the interest rate risk management of commercial banks is at a low level both in theoretical knowledge and in the accumulation of experience. Compared with large and medium-sized banks, urban commercial banks are in a weak position in terms of scale, capital and talent reserve, and most city commercial banks have not established an effective interest rate risk prevention and management mechanism. Therefore, the biggest problem facing the banking theorists and practitioners in our country is how to apply the advanced risk management technology of international banking to the interest rate risk management practice of our commercial banks. Strengthen and improve the level of interest rate risk management of commercial banks. Commercial banks of various countries have set up interest rate risk management institutions one after another to develop advanced management techniques and methods. Many effective models are emerging and widely used, such as gap management model and duration model, which are still the mainstream technology of interest rate risk management. On the basis of introducing three kinds of commercial banks' measurement models of preventing interest rate risk, this paper takes the annual report data of Beijing Bank, Nanjing Bank, Ningbo Bank, Chongqing Bank and Hankou Bank from 2006 to 2010 as samples. The empirical analysis is carried out by using interest rate sensitivity gap model and duration convexity model, including the influence of interest rate risk indicators and interest rate changes on the net assets of banks. The empirical results show that the city commercial banks in China have a strong sensitivity to interest rates, capital gap, interest rate changes, changes in the structure of assets and liabilities, and interest rate changes of different assets and liabilities items have a significant impact on the operating efficiency of city commercial banks. There are some problems such as lagging risk management concept, imperfect internal control mechanism, weak capital technology and human resources, and heavy dependence on local government when city commercial banks guard against interest rate risk. Finally, aiming at how to effectively guard against interest rate risk, this paper puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of the establishment of the internal system of interest rate risk management and the improvement of the external environment, including improving the level of gap management. We will improve the balance between assets and liabilities, vigorously develop intermediary business, establish special interest rate risk management institutions and improve financial supervision.
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