[Abstract]:The financial crisis in the United States has made governments pay more attention to the risk management of commercial banks. For China's commercial banks, the loan business accounts for 70% of the total business, once the credit crisis will affect the security of the entire financial system. Therefore, commercial banks to its credit risk management is the first important task. Only by creating a safe and sound business environment can we gain more profits. According to the "triple law" of risk management, if the risk is predicted in advance, the loss will be reduced by three times than the loss made up by various methods after the loan. Irreparable losses after a loan problem will be three times the recoverable loss [1]. Therefore, the most effective means to control credit risk is to do a good job of risk monitoring in advance, through the establishment of a credit risk warning system, timely prediction of the possibility of credit risk, the loss will be contained in the bud or will be reduced to the lowest. The purpose of this paper is to establish a credit risk early warning method suitable for commercial banks in China. The research angle of this paper is that the risk management departments of commercial banks take the risk of repayment of loans as the monitoring object. The research ideas of this paper are as follows: on the basis of analyzing the present situation, existing problems and causes of credit risk early warning of commercial banks in China, Based on the construction principles of early warning index system and the analysis of the factors affecting the credit risk of commercial banks, this paper constructs an early warning index system of credit risk of commercial banks, and then makes an early warning of credit risk of commercial banks by combining the early warning index system and the early warning method. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to solve the problems in credit risk warning of commercial banks in China. The main ideas of this paper are as follows: 1. Firstly, a set of early warning index system is established through index screening. 2. The weight of each index is determined by principal level analysis method, and the index value is indexed by efficiency coefficient method. Then multiply the corresponding weights to evaluate the risk. 4. Using the time series model-autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) to predict the credit risk of commercial banks, the predicted risk value and the warning value are corresponding to the credit risk warning.
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