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发布时间:2019-01-04 17:51
[Abstract]:Since the financial crisis broke out in 2008, the global economic development has appeared unprecedented difficulties, recovery prospects are not optimistic. Although the overall operation of China's macro economy is good and the GDP growth rate remains at a relatively high level, with the increasing degree of China's participation in economic globalization, the operation of the economy is inevitably affected, resulting in weak exports and a low manufacturing boom index. Enterprises' profits are falling, prices are unstable, residents' willingness to save continues to weaken, deposits move away from time to time, and the real estate market is still uncertain after being severely regulated because of overheating, which makes the financial market accumulate a large number of systemic risks. It brings great challenges to the sustainable development of commercial banks. At the same time, the local financial crisis caused by private lending in Wenzhou is still showing no signs of abating, the risk of spreading to commercial banks is becoming more and more likely, and the security of banks will face a great threat. How to stand firm and become bigger and stronger in the severe market environment is a difficult problem to be solved by commercial banks. Although the Wenzhou branch of PD Bank has made remarkable achievements in the last few years, but after several years of rapid development, it has obviously exposed the problems of slow growth rate and insufficient stamina. In view of the great changes in the external environment and the internal situation, the Wenzhou Branch of PD Bank urgently needs to formulate medium- and long-term development strategies in order to maximize its strengths, avoid disadvantages, gain competitive advantages, and actively respond to opportunities and challenges. This paper first describes the concept of strategy, the development strategy evolution of western commercial banks and domestic commercial banks, and then through the PD bank Wenzhou branch of the macro environment, micro environment, This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the industry environment and internal conditions, summarizes the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Wenzhou Branch of PD Bank by using SWOT analysis method, and combines with the SWOT analysis matrix. On this basis, the strategic guiding ideology, enterprise mission and development strategy goal of Wenzhou Branch of PD Bank are worked out, and the choice of development strategy is made. Finally, the specific measures for the implementation of the strategy are put forward, including the adjustment of organizational structure. Talent guarantee measures, marketing measures, product measures, internal control management adjustment.


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