[Abstract]:The euro was created in order to make the economies and finance of the countries in the region more secure. However, the circulation of this single currency caused the European economy to face greater crises and risks. Comparing US-Japan economic relations with European and American economic relations can be seen that whether Japan or Europe poses a threat to the strategic interests of the United States in the global economy, the United States is not allowed to do so. Are bound to be suppressed by the United States through the currency game; The euro has been in the grip of the United States from its emergence, development to today's crisis. The euro, a new world currency once thought to be a possible replacement for the dollar, faces a crisis that could break up as the global financial crisis deepens. The euro crisis is the inevitable result of the economic game between the United States and Europe in the world economy controlled by the United States.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校;中国国际经济交流中心研究部;
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