[Abstract]:With the rapid flow of international capital in the world, foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into our country gradually, which makes the economic strength of our country double, but to a certain extent, it also brings about the environmental problem of excessive carbon emission which can not be ignored. Relevant data show that China has become the world's largest carbon dioxide emission country, the development of low-carbon economy is urgent and significant. Taking the carbon emission effect of foreign direct investment as the theme, this paper systematically analyzes and studies the current situation of foreign direct investment in China from the aspects of the scale, source, regional and industrial distribution of foreign direct investment in China, using a large number of statistical data to analyze the current situation of foreign direct investment in China. This paper analyzes the basic situation of carbon emissions in China, and points out the influence of energy consumption on carbon emissions from the relationship between energy consumption and carbon emissions in China, and analyzes the current situation of carbon emission structure and technological effects of foreign direct investment in China. This paper theoretically analyzes the positive and negative effects of foreign direct investment on carbon emissions. The technology diffusion effect, income change and structural adjustment effect caused by foreign direct investment will reduce carbon emissions; At the same time, foreign direct investment will also bring about the transfer of foreign high-carbon industry, the diffusion of controversial technology and the change of production scale will have a negative impact on the development of low-carbon economy. The specific impact of FDI on China's carbon emissions needs to be verified by empirical research. Based on the dynamic panel data of 30 provinces from 2000 to 2010, the paper analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment on carbon emissions from the three levels of national, regional and industry by using the two-step system moment estimation method. As far as the whole country is concerned, foreign direct investment has a clean effect on the dynamic effect of carbon emissions, the regional differences of carbon emissions in China are more obvious, the positive dynamics in the eastern region is the largest and the normal dynamics in the middle part is the least; The results of sub-industry econometric analysis show that foreign direct investment in manufacturing industry pollutes carbon environment, electronic information industry and construction industry have clean effect on carbon environment, and the empirical analysis is combined with the previous theoretical analysis. Further elaborate the influence mechanism of foreign investment on carbon emission in various industries. According to the above theoretical and empirical research conclusions, the paper from improving the industrial structure of foreign investment, strengthening the policy and system orientation of low-carbon environmental protection, formulating and perfecting low-carbon environmental protection laws and regulations, Encourage domestic enterprises to learn from foreign clean technology to put forward a series of policy recommendations.
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