[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, China has formed a more mature urban financial market. While further perfecting the urban financial market system, China is facing the arduous task of building a new socialist countryside. The demand for financial services of rural small and medium-sized enterprises, farmers and emerging rural development industries is increasing day by day, and a lot of financial support is urgently needed. However, large commercial banks have withdrawn from the rural financial market in recent years, and the limited role of policy-oriented financial institutions has led to the increasingly acute contradiction between supply and demand in the rural financial market. In this context, the state began to issue a series of policies and regulations to encourage the construction of new rural financial institutions, village banks emerge as the times require. However, in the trial operation of village and town banks, some risk factors are gradually exposed and must be solved. In order to explore and study the causes of the risk factors of village and town banks and put forward the relevant management strategies, this paper provides help to control the management risks of village and town banks and provides a feasible management scheme for the sustainable development of village and town banks. First of all, this paper expounds the background and definition of the emergence of village and town banks, and compares them with the general commercial banks, and analyzes the necessity and advantages of the development of village and town banks. Secondly, it introduces the present situation of the development of village and town banks, analyzes the problems of management risk exposed in the process of the present stage, and analyzes the causes of risk factors by using the method of literature investigation and the theoretical knowledge of economics and management. Finally, on the basis of the above, this paper puts forward the management measures to deal with these operating risks. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. The loan group is set up on the basis of cluster management, which is used as the basis of the credit rating system of village and town banks to farmers. In view of the actual situation in rural areas, a credit assessment scheme is established, which is organized by the local village committee, representatives of farmers and employees of village and town banks, and takes the information of farmers' agricultural production, personal word-of-mouth, neighborhood relations as the evaluation index. This paper studies the credit evaluation method to adapt to the rural financial environment. 2. According to the actual situation of rural finance, the risk management system and institutions are formulated. According to the transmission order of credit risk, the advanced characteristics of risk early warning system can be reflected. After dividing the risk early warning responsibility, report the abnormal situation and the possible risk to the relevant responsible person in time, judge the risk level and issue the disposal opinion. The internal control work of village and town banks should be carried out in every link and position of loan, and the pre-loan credit investigation, loan audit, post-loan monitoring and maturity collection should be carried out to the specific person in charge of the pre-loan credit investigation, loan audit, post-loan monitoring and maturity collection of each loan.
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