[Abstract]:In 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States triggered a comprehensive financial crisis, which not only hit the American economy hard, but also caused a great negative impact on the global economy. Up to now, the impact of the financial crisis in the United States still exists. As a result, the global economy is still facing a lot of uncertainty. In the process of the outbreak and spread of the financial crisis, people have been thinking constantly, among which the thinking on the effectiveness of financial supervision in the past is one of the important aspects, and has formed certain achievements. The economic academic circles generally believe that the financial supervision in the past is a kind of micro-prudential supervision, which focuses on maintaining the sound operation of micro-financial individuals, so it pays insufficient attention to the systematic risks of the financial system. There are also no effective tools to prevent and control. Based on this, through continuous in-depth discussion and exchange, the international community has gradually formed a consensus, that is, countries should build a financial regulatory system under the framework of macro-prudential policies, and then implement macro-prudential financial supervision. In order to effectively make up for the shortcomings of micro-prudential supervision, so as to better maintain the sound operation of the financial system. Since then, various issues under the framework of macro-prudential policy have been widely studied by the economic academic community, and the research on financial supervision under the framework of macro-prudential policy has also increased day by day. However, at present, due to the existence of many factors, such as the development level of China's financial market and the present situation of financial supervision system, the financial supervision under the framework of macro-prudential policy has not received much attention, so there is not much research on it. This is not conducive to our country in the future rapid development of the financial situation to implement effective prevention and control measures to avoid financial risks. This paper deeply studies the realistic basis and causes of the formation of the macroprudential policy framework, and points out that the macroprudential policy framework is to better deal with the problems exposed by the financial crisis, in order to reduce the possibility of such a crisis. On this basis, this paper probes into the tool choice of financial supervision under the framework of macro-prudential policy, and provides tool policy guidance for the implementation of macro-prudential financial supervision in China. In addition, this paper analyzes in detail the financial regulatory reforms in the United States and the European Union. From the difficult economic recovery in Europe and the United States, we can see that these reform measures still play a very positive role, so they are worthy of our reference. It is pointed out that financial supervision under the framework of macro-prudential policy has become the direction of financial reform in various countries. On this basis, this paper analyzes the present situation of China's financial supervision system model, and puts forward the financial reform measures under the framework of China's macro-prudential policy. So that the financial supervision of our country can meet the challenges brought by the future financial development.
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