[Abstract]:Beihai coin is the currency issued in Shandong anti-Japanese base area, which was attached to the legal currency in the form of auxiliary coins. It has been strongly supported by the legal currency in terms of currency value, credit and so on. Beihai coin also provides strong protection for the legal currency. The two complement each other and jointly treat Japan. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, in order to protect the credit of Beihai currency from the devaluation of legal currency, Shandong anti-Japanese democratic government, on the premise of maintaining the simultaneous circulation of the two coins, reversed the dependence of Beihai coin on legal currency by forcing the discount of legal currency, but it met with strong resistance from the market. In view of this, the Shandong anti-Japanese democratic government resolutely abolished the legal currency status of the legal currency, and finally made the Beihai coin get rid of the influence of the legal currency and become the base currency, while the legal currency was transformed into the foreign exchange of the Beihai currency after it withdrew from the circulation field, which became a tool for the currency war against Japan.
【作者单位】: 聊城大学思政与马克思主义学院;
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