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发布时间:2018-04-27 14:47

  本文选题:社区管理 + 网格化 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前我国正处在经济快速发展和社会快速转型时期,市场经济体制以及与之相适应的经济政策和宏观调控机制基本建立,并在实践中逐步完善,但社会管理的体制机制还不健全、亟待加强。在提高社会管理的综合治理水平中,社区管理研究受到了广泛关注,其中社区网格化管理模式得到许多地方政府的青睐。加强社区网格化管理的研究有利于丰富社区管理的理论研究、推进政府社区管理能力的提升。同时,完善社区网格化管理是提高党的建设科学化水平的有效方法、是党和政府做好群众工作的有效载体、是把创新社会管理落实到基层的有效途径。 芷江县历史悠久、区位优越、物产丰富。自2011年9月起,在市委、市政府的领导下,芷江县按照“党建引领、网格支撑、服务群众、助推发展”的思路,,大胆进行社会管理创新实践,积极推行“网格化”管理工作,构建了党员管理网格化和社会管理网格化两大平台,为推进社区网格化管理做出了有益探索。芷江县“网格化管理”有效地整合了各方面资源,夯实了基层组织基础,密切了党群干群关系,筑牢维稳的群众防线,从源头上帮群众解决了问题、化解了矛盾,促进了社会和谐稳定,取得了较好的成效。但是,芷江县社区网格化管理过程中还存在诸如社区网格化管理人员素质有待提高、资金管理存在困难、管理运行不够通畅规范、管理信息技术适用性不足等问题。针对以上问题,提出完善社区网格化管理的对策:第一,明确社区网格化管理的主要原则。坚持因地制宜原则、为民服务原则和不断创新原则。第二,理清社区网格化管理的工作思路。即党建引领、服务为先、资源共享、共用共建。第三,制定具体策略。一是从充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用、充分发挥特色人才的优势、注重现代化人才的引进、加强思想政治教育、严格人员选拔程序和加大人员培训力度五个方面着手提高社区网格化管理人员的整体素质。二是进一步提高社区网格化管理信息平台的实际可操作性,在实际运用中逐步完善信息平台建设。三是从拓宽资金筹措渠道、改善资金缺位现象、强化资金监督检查入手加强社区网格化管理中的资金管理。四是从落实社区网格化管理相关领导责任、加强对社区网格化管理的宣传、加强对社区网格化管理主体工作的绩效考评、形成社区网格化管理工作合力入手,进一步完善社区网格化运行机制。
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the period of rapid economic development and rapid social transformation. The market economic system and corresponding economic policies and macro-control mechanisms have been basically established and gradually perfected in practice. However, the institutional mechanism of social management is not perfect and needs to be strengthened. In the process of improving the level of comprehensive management of social management, the research on community management has received extensive attention, among which the grid management model of community has been favored by many local governments. Strengthening the research of community grid management is beneficial to enrich the theoretical research of community management and promote the improvement of government community management ability. At the same time, perfecting community grid management is an effective way to improve the scientific level of party building, is an effective carrier for the party and government to do a good job in mass work, and is an effective way to implement innovative social management to the grass-roots level. Zhijiang County has a long history, superior location, rich in products. Since September 2011, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Zhijiang County has boldly carried out the social management innovation practice and actively implemented the "grid" management work according to the idea of "leading the Party building, supporting the grid, serving the masses and promoting development". This paper constructs two platforms of Party member management grid and social management grid, and makes a beneficial exploration for promoting community grid management. The "grid management" in Zhijiang County has effectively integrated all aspects of resources, consolidated the grass-roots organizational foundation, strengthened the relations between the cadres and the masses of the Party and the masses, built a solid line of defense for the masses, and helped the masses solve problems and resolve contradictions at the source. Promote social harmony and stability, achieved better results. However, in the process of community grid management in Zhijiang County, there are still some problems, such as the quality of community grid management personnel should be improved, the fund management is difficult, the management operation is not smooth and standard, and the applicability of management information technology is insufficient. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the community grid management: first, it clarifies the main principles of community grid management. Adhere to the principle of adapting to local conditions, serving the people and constantly innovating. Second, clear community grid management work ideas. Namely the party building leads, the service is first, the resources is shared, the common construction. Third, formulate specific strategies. First, from giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, giving full play to the advantages of special talents, paying attention to the introduction of modern talents, and strengthening ideological and political education, Strict personnel selection procedures and increase the strength of personnel training five aspects to improve the overall quality of community grid management staff. The second is to further improve the practical operability of community grid management information platform, and gradually improve the construction of information platform in practical application. The third is to strengthen the fund management in the community grid management by widening the channels of raising funds, improving the phenomenon of fund vacancy, and strengthening the supervision and inspection of funds. Fourth, from the implementation of community grid management leadership responsibility, strengthen the publicity of community grid management, strengthen the performance evaluation of community grid management main work, form community grid management work together. Further improve the community grid operation mechanism.


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