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发布时间:2018-12-29 12:16
【摘要】:传统意义上,我们将社区分为农村社区和城市社区,社区作为基层组织,其管理活动由来已久。但是,在实际情况中,面对公共服务的强大需求,原有主体并没有将其功能发挥出来,与此同时以公益性为基础的第三部门参与到社区管理中来,对促进社区稳定、构建人文环境、发扬民主精神、对资源进行合理和高效率的再配置等方面具有重要作用。 以埃莉诺·奥特罗姆为代表的制度主义,其核心强调的是分权和权力下放等,这又恰恰迎合了我国基层民主自治的浪潮,其核心实质与公民社会理论具有本质的相同性。如何建立新的公共服务供给模式是急需解决的问题。随着改革的深入,第三部门在我国社会经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,这已经逐步得到了社会的认可。就扎根于社区的第三部门而言,在参与社区管理过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,因而不以营利为目的且具有正式的组织形式的第三部门在提供公共服务方面具有不可替代的作用,是当今社区管理的重要依靠力量。第三部门加入有助于社区公共服务质量的提高,但现阶段我国的第三部门也存在重大的缺陷,以致于未能形成强有力的社会力量。 在本文分为四部分,第一章第三部门参与社区管理的兴起,第一节社区的界定、特征及原则,第二节我国第三部门参与社区管理的兴起。第二章我国第三部门参与社区管理的实证分析,第一节我国第三部门参与社区管理的经验分析,第二节第三部门在参与社区管理中的作用。第三章现阶段我国第三部门在参与社区管理中存在的问题,第一节互动能力不足,所需资源短缺,第二节组织间缺乏规范合作的机制,第三节缺乏自治,发展中缺乏自主性,第四节开展活动中存在盈利化倾向。第四章推进我国第三部门参与社区管理发展的思考,第一节构建有利于第三部门资源循环的人文环境,第二节为使第三部门的合力达到最大化创建平台,第三节健康的发展空间是第三部门成长壮大的必备条件,第四节完善第三部门监督机制,健全其监督体系。
[Abstract]:In the traditional sense, we divide the community into rural community and urban community, community as a grass-roots organization, its management activities have a long history. However, in the actual situation, in the face of the strong demand for public services, the original main body did not bring its functions into full play. At the same time, the third sector, based on the public welfare, participated in the community management and promoted the stability of the community. It plays an important role in constructing humanistic environment, carrying forward the spirit of democracy and reallocating resources reasonably and efficiently. The core of institutionalism represented by Eleanor Ostrom is decentralization and decentralization, which caters to the wave of democracy and autonomy at the grass-roots level in our country, and its core essence is essentially the same as the theory of civil society. How to establish a new mode of public service supply is an urgent problem. With the deepening of reform, the third sector is playing a more and more important role in the social and economic development of our country, which has been gradually recognized by the society. As far as the third sector, rooted in the community, is concerned, it is playing an increasingly important role in the process of participation in community management, Therefore, the third sector, which is not for profit and has a formal form of organization, plays an irreplaceable role in the provision of public services, and is an important force in community management today. The third sector is helpful to the improvement of the quality of community public service, but at present, the third sector in our country also has major defects, so that it can not form a powerful social force. This paper is divided into four parts. The first chapter is the rise of the third sector to participate in community management, the first section of the definition, characteristics and principles of community, the second section of China's third sector to participate in the rise of community management. The second chapter is the empirical analysis of the third sector's participation in community management, the first section is the empirical analysis of the third sector's participation in community management, and the second section is the role of the third sector in participating in the community management. In the third chapter, there are some problems in the participation of the third sector in community management. The first section is lack of interaction ability, the shortage of resources, the lack of normative cooperation mechanism among organizations, the lack of autonomy and the lack of autonomy in the development of the third section. The fourth section carries out the activity to have the profit-making tendency. The fourth chapter is to promote the third sector to participate in the development of community management, the first section is to build a humanistic environment conducive to the third sector resource cycle, the second section is to maximize the third sector to create a platform for joint efforts. The third section is a necessary condition for the growth and growth of the third sector, and the fourth section is to perfect the supervision mechanism of the third sector and perfect its supervision system.


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