基于吉尔理解等式的IBM CSC项目交传实践报告
发布时间:2022-01-13 22:40
【文章页数】:86 页
Chapter One Description of the Interpretation Task
1.1 Introduction to IBM CSC
1.2 Introduction to Main Work of the Task
1.2.1 Interpretation and Translation Work
1.2.2 Administrative Work
1.2.3 Tour Guide Work
1.3 Process of the Project
Chapter Two Preparation for the Interpretation Task
2.1 Preparation for Linguistic Knowledge
2.1.1 An Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting Theory
2.1.2 Knowledge and Skill Preparation
2.1.3 Tool Preparation
2.2 Preparation for Extralinguistic Knowledge
2.2.1 Information Collection for IBM CSC
2.2.2 Information Collection for IBMers and Client
2.2.3 Physical and Psychological Preparation
Chapter Three Application of Gile’s Comprehension Equation in Interpretation
3.1 Introduction to Gile’s Comprehension Equation
3.2 Difficulties
3.2.1 Linguistic Difficulties
3.2.2 Extralinguistic Difficulties
3.3 Solutions
3.3.1 Omission
3.3.2 Addition
3.3.3 Paraphrasing
3.3.4 Other Solutions
Chapter Four Summary of the Interpretation Task
4.1 Evaluations from IBMers, Client and Partner
4.2 Self-evaluation
Appendix A Transcript
Appendix B Glossary
Appendix C Media Reports on the Project
[1]听辨能力训练与交替传译质量提升之关联度研究——基于交替传译认知负荷模式的实证研究[J]. 王晓露,纪蓉琴. 外语电化教学. 2015(02)
[2]企业志愿服务:联结社会 催化价值[J]. 李长海. WTO经济导刊. 2014(10)
[3]认知心理因素对口译策略的影响——职业译员与学生译员交替传译之实证研究[J]. 王湘玲,胡珍铭,邹玉屏. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2013(01)
[4]加强企业英语口译教学的策略研究[J]. 王思慧,孙相有. 科技致富向导. 2011(20)
[5]从吉尔的口译模式看商务英语口译能力要素的构成[J]. 程跃珍. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版). 2010(04)
[6]英语专业本科学生汉英交传笔记特征及其与口译成绩的关系——一项基于学生交传笔记的实证研究[J]. 刘建军. 外语界. 2010(02)
[7]基于汉、英语平行语料库的翻译数据库设计[J]. 何莲珍. 现代外语. 2007(02)
[8]交传的互文性解构模式及运用[J]. 啜京中. 外语与外语教学. 2007(01)
[9]口译应变策略[J]. 王绍祥. 中国科技翻译. 2004(01)
[10]论译员的口译准备工作[J]. 张吉良. 中国科技翻译. 2003(03)
【文章页数】:86 页
Chapter One Description of the Interpretation Task
1.1 Introduction to IBM CSC
1.2 Introduction to Main Work of the Task
1.2.1 Interpretation and Translation Work
1.2.2 Administrative Work
1.2.3 Tour Guide Work
1.3 Process of the Project
Chapter Two Preparation for the Interpretation Task
2.1 Preparation for Linguistic Knowledge
2.1.1 An Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting Theory
2.1.2 Knowledge and Skill Preparation
2.1.3 Tool Preparation
2.2 Preparation for Extralinguistic Knowledge
2.2.1 Information Collection for IBM CSC
2.2.2 Information Collection for IBMers and Client
2.2.3 Physical and Psychological Preparation
Chapter Three Application of Gile’s Comprehension Equation in Interpretation
3.1 Introduction to Gile’s Comprehension Equation
3.2 Difficulties
3.2.1 Linguistic Difficulties
3.2.2 Extralinguistic Difficulties
3.3 Solutions
3.3.1 Omission
3.3.2 Addition
3.3.3 Paraphrasing
3.3.4 Other Solutions
Chapter Four Summary of the Interpretation Task
4.1 Evaluations from IBMers, Client and Partner
4.2 Self-evaluation
Appendix A Transcript
Appendix B Glossary
Appendix C Media Reports on the Project
[1]听辨能力训练与交替传译质量提升之关联度研究——基于交替传译认知负荷模式的实证研究[J]. 王晓露,纪蓉琴. 外语电化教学. 2015(02)
[2]企业志愿服务:联结社会 催化价值[J]. 李长海. WTO经济导刊. 2014(10)
[3]认知心理因素对口译策略的影响——职业译员与学生译员交替传译之实证研究[J]. 王湘玲,胡珍铭,邹玉屏. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2013(01)
[4]加强企业英语口译教学的策略研究[J]. 王思慧,孙相有. 科技致富向导. 2011(20)
[5]从吉尔的口译模式看商务英语口译能力要素的构成[J]. 程跃珍. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版). 2010(04)
[6]英语专业本科学生汉英交传笔记特征及其与口译成绩的关系——一项基于学生交传笔记的实证研究[J]. 刘建军. 外语界. 2010(02)
[7]基于汉、英语平行语料库的翻译数据库设计[J]. 何莲珍. 现代外语. 2007(02)
[8]交传的互文性解构模式及运用[J]. 啜京中. 外语与外语教学. 2007(01)
[9]口译应变策略[J]. 王绍祥. 中国科技翻译. 2004(01)
[10]论译员的口译准备工作[J]. 张吉良. 中国科技翻译. 2003(03)