本文关键词:包装印刷仓储车间标准化布局设计 出处:《北京印刷学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 标准化 包装印刷企业 自动化立体仓库 贪心遗传算法
[Abstract]:Under the background of the rapid development of global information technology, international standardization work has been put forward continuously. The government has also insisted on standardization work as one of the key points. Standardization work has become the key content of the new era development plan. The standardization of enterprise construction can improve the quality of the product and the service quality of the industry. With the development of the standardization of printing, it is also necessary to promote the standardization of the printing industry. Through the actual investigation of the printing enterprises, the layout of the warehousing workshop is not an example. And the disorderly layout affects the synchronization of information flow and logistics, which is reflected in the economic benefits of the enterprise. Automated warehouse can solve these problems well. The application of standardized warehouse in the printing warehouse can improve the existing state and expand the scope of the standardization of the enterprise. The three-dimensional warehouse which is controlled by the computer is the development trend of the future construction of the storage department. The three-dimensional warehouse is the only way to standardize and standardize the development of the warehouse. In this paper, we use system theory, analysis method, research and analysis to design warehouse standardization design factors, select key factors that affect standardized layout, and design a set of automated warehouse standardization model. In this paper, the warehouse department of printing and packaging enterprises is taken as the research object. First, the warehouse status and the existing facilities layout specifications are analyzed, and on this basis, the design framework of three-dimensional warehouse is realized through MATLAB programming. Automated warehouse, the stacker handling equipment to complete, reasonable adjustment of distribution system for inbound cargo handling work by computer control, this paper use greedy genetic algorithm to optimize the motion path, the path optimization can make the movement stacker short distance, spend less time. The two part works together to complete the construction of the warehouse layout standardization. Through the simulation results applied to the new building in L enterprise, it is proved that the warehouse standard layout designed in this paper is practical and practical, and has practical application significance. This set of standardized design can be applied to the layout of automated warehouse for packaging and printing enterprises. By changing some of the parameters in this design, it will also be applied to the warehouse layout of other industries as well.
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