本文关键词:城市网联化背景下未来汽车协同性交通模式研究 出处:《南京艺术学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 城市网联化 智慧城市 智能交通 车联网 智能汽车 协同性交通模式
[Abstract]:The city network connection, the wisdom is the future city construction development inevitable trend, with big data, cloud computing, the mobile communication, the Internet of things and so on the new generation network technology is subverting the traditional life. At the same time, after many years of technology development and production practice, the intelligent technology in the automotive field is becoming more and more mature. The intelligent vehicle based on Auxiliary Transmission and Auto-driving is moving from concept to practice. All major automobile manufacturers and IT enterprises have launched driverless automobile plans for the future. The automobile industry has entered an information, intelligent and intelligent era. On this basis. The combination of Intelligent vehicle and New Generation Network Information Technology to construct and develop "vehicle Network" Intelligent Transportation (its) has become an important part of the future information strategy of the world's major countries and regions. The future development of automobile transportation, especially the cooperative traffic mode, is explored in the future, especially for the future development of automobile transportation, especially for the future development of automobile transportation, such as the future development of automobile network, intelligent vehicle, intelligent transportation, traffic cloud platform and so on. This paper mainly discusses the information coordination, spatial coordination, service collaboration and commercial cooperation between the future automobile and urban elements. This collaboration will improve the efficiency of the future city in space, resources, personnel transportation and so on. The fundamental influence and shape of the future city in logistics, transportation, finance, commerce, social culture and other aspects of the pattern and appearance, resulting in a new urban ecosystem, economic patterns and cultural patterns. At the same time. In the future, the development of automotive industry design will also be affected by the collaborative traffic mode. The design of the user platform is based on the information network connection and the user experience is the core of the design of the user platform, which pays equal attention to the intellectualization and compatibility of the vehicle performance. Shape will also become more personalized and artistic.
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