本文关键词: 物流企业 诚信评价 多层次模糊综合评价 Logistic回归 出处:《中南林业科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern logistics industry, the integrity problem of logistics enterprises is becoming increasingly prominent. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the integrity of logistics enterprises through the construction of credit evaluation index system and related evaluation model, the paper synthetically applies the literature analysis method, the investigation method, the model analysis method and the case analysis method. Carry out relevant research work. Through consulting and summarizing and analyzing the literature and materials in related fields, we can grasp the relevant information about the integrity research of logistics enterprises at home and abroad. On this basis, we will carry out field investigations in the logistics enterprises. To understand the present situation and problems of the development of the integrity of logistics enterprises. We have visited several representative logistics enterprises in Changsha City, and systematically investigated the daily operation of these enterprises and the problems related to the integrity of these enterprises. From the point of view of the present situation of the integrity of the logistics enterprises, The problems and opportunities in the construction of the integrity of logistics enterprises are analyzed in detail. The principles of system optimization, science, pertinence, general comparison and practicability are put forward. This paper constructs the credit evaluation index system of logistics enterprise from two aspects of financial index and non-financial index, and uses factor analysis method to screen financial index, and expert consultation method to screen non-financial index. Finally, the evaluation index system of the integrity of logistics enterprises with three-level structure is established. In order to select a more scientific and effective evaluation model, The multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and the Logistic regression model are constructed respectively. When constructing the multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, the objective weighting methods such as factor analysis and entropy weight method are used to assign the weight of the index system. Through the analysis and comparison of the two evaluation models, it is found that the multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is more suitable for the integrity evaluation of logistics enterprises. In order to further verify the effectiveness of the model, According to the characteristics of different types of logistics enterprises, three representative enterprises are selected from the integrated service, transport and warehousing logistics enterprises for empirical analysis. The evaluation index system of the integrity of logistics enterprises is scientific and reasonable, and the evaluation model is effective. The research on the evaluation system of the integrity of logistics enterprises can promote the integrity construction of the whole industry. Improve the integrity of the industry, promote the rapid and healthy development of the entire logistics industry.
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