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发布时间:2018-03-02 00:13

  本文关键词: 制造业 物流业 联动发展 投入产出 空间布局 出处:《广东工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 2015, during the two sessions of China's two sessions, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council stressed the need to push the industrial structure toward the middle and high end and speed up the shift from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power.Pearl River Delta region is the third largest urban economic circle in China. However, the research on the linkage development of manufacturing industry and logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta region is relatively scarce. This paper selects the linkage development of manufacturing industry and logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta as the research object. Firstly, the paper defines the connotation of industrial linkage and industrial development, and summarizes the relationship between manufacturing industry and logistics industry linkage development (demand compliance theory, supply theory). Interactive theory, fusion and profit source analysis, connotation, problems, models and spatial layout of the research methods and research content, as well as the Pearl River Delta region on the development of manufacturing, logistics industry development and the development of the two industries linked to the development of relevant research literature. This paper analyzes the evolution of industrial structure, the development of manufacturing industry and logistics industry and the current situation of linkage development of two industries in the Pearl River Delta region. Thirdly, the direct consumption coefficient, the complete consumption coefficient, the influence coefficient and the sensitivity coefficient are used in the input-output model. This paper analyzes the industrial relationship between manufacturing industry and logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta region, and then applies the spatial geographical analysis model to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics, spatial real state simulation and spatial agglomeration identification of manufacturing industry and logistics industry. This paper studies the spatial distribution relationship between manufacturing industry and logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta region. Finally, from the two aspects of government and enterprise, the paper studies the spatial distribution relationship of the linkage between manufacturing industry and logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta region. Some suggestions are put forward to promote the linkage development of manufacturing industry and logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta region. The paper combines qualitative research with quantitative research and draws the following conclusion: 1) the pulling effect of logistics industry on manufacturing industry is increasing year by year. However, the pulling effect of manufacturing on logistics industry is declining, which shows that manufacturing industry plays a leading role in the development of logistics industry in the process of linkage development.) Manufacturing industry has played a very good role in promoting and pulling the development of the economy as a whole. The logistics industry is a pillar industry in the Pearl River Delta region, and the logistics industry plays a good role in promoting the overall economic development, but the pulling effect is slightly insufficient.) the geographical distribution of the logistics industry in the Pearl River Delta region is higher than that in the manufacturing industry. In this area, there is a trend of decreasing radiation from the mouth of the Pearl River to the sea, and the concentration characteristics of the two industries are consistent in spatial distribution.


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