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发布时间:2016-11-02 07:34




二十一世纪之初,国家将发展现代物流提到议事日程上,并给物流行业的发展提供优惠条件,希望在较短的时间内构筑起中国的现代物流体系。启明公司抓住此机遇,根据中国物流业发展过程特点、结合国际现代物流发展理念,用供应链与需求链的思想,设计了一套既能满足目前中国物流的需求,又能随着物流业的发展,不断拓展新功能并与国际接轨,溶入国际大物流链中的第三方物流信息管理系统。本套系统遵循适度超前、一次规划、分步实施、可操作性强的信息体系建设原则,将物流信息管理系统分为运输子系统、仓储子系统、采购子系统、配送子系统、加工子系统、包装子系统、销售子系统等七个子系统,并在完成的一期工程中实现了运输管理子系统和仓储管理子系统的研发实施。本文详细介绍了物流运输调度管理子系统从需求浅析浅析、设计建模、代码实现到实施应用的整个软件开发过程,并对研发过程中的经验和不足加以总结。第一章概括介绍物流及其发展的历史,指出物流信息化对发展现代物流的重要意 义。在我国,物流的发展正处于一个起步阶段,与先进的国家相比尚有很大差距,对物流的认识还处于起启蒙、初级阶段。随着我国加入世界贸易组织,物流市场的开放日益临近,如何提高我国的物流管理和服务水平、增加企业的经济效益,已成为物流业的当务之急。建立一个高速畅通、动态互联的标准化信息系统,便成为提升整个物流企业竞争力、增加物流企业经济效益、加速物流企业发展的重要因素。第二章阐述基于GPS的物流运输调度管理系统应用的领域背景和运用的先进信息技术。通过浅析浅析第三方物流企业的运输管理理念和组织贯彻原则,提出本套系统的项目规划和应用前景,并对系统使用的开发平台、设计工具以及GPS、条形码技术、电子数据交换技术等主要应用技术作了详细地说明。第三章根据前期调研获取到的业务需求,详细描述了物流运输调度管理系统中六个主要功能模块的实现过程和涉及的具体信息,并以日常业务模块中的主业务模块为例,对业务的流程和功能实现作了详细的介绍,,说明了运输管理中调度、配载、发车的全部过程,使用UML标准系统模型建模语言对系统进行用例描述,画出各个主要用例的详细用例视图。同时,提出界面原型方案并就需求阶段的工作提出一些个人的理解和看法。第四章依据面向对象的程序设计思想,对系统进行详细的浅析浅析、设计,提出了基于B/S结构的物流运输调度管理系统采用当今构建企业软件较为流行的N层应用程序构架的设计思想,以及N层体系架构思想在物流运输调度管理系统的具体实现。设计将整个的物流运输调度管理系统分为Web层、业务外观层、业务规则层、业务实体层、数据访问层等五个层次。通过静态结构图、顺序图、状态图、数据库模型图等几个视图直观地从静态结构和动态行为两个方面详细描述了系统的实现过程。第五章讲述了采用.NET框架、ASP.NET、VB.NET、ADO.NET、XML、CSS等编程语言工具对物流运输调度管理系统的实现。其中重点叙述了:团队开发过程中对Visual SourceSafe Explorer的使用;物流运输系统中对数据库的访问实现过程、物流运输系统中Web窗体的设计和实现、物流运输系统中登录页面的实现、物流运输调度管<WP=66>理系统中Web页面之间的参数传递、物流运输调度管理系统中错误捕捉和处理、物流运输调度管理系统中线路优化、物流运输调度管理系统中WebService的应用等一些关键性的技术难点和解决的方案。第六章详细描述了完成单硕博在线论文网测试和系统测试的整个过程和步骤,对测试过程中的测试计划、测试设计、测试执行、错误评估等几个方面进行了叙述。第七章详细介绍了系统进行打包、安装、部署的整个过程和实现步骤。第八章通过与同类产品的比较,指出物流运输调度管理系统中存在的不足和具有的优势,预见性的提出系统的扩展和改善的方向。第九章对论文进行了概括性的总结,至此结束了本论文的所有内容的论述。

【Abstract】 At the Beginning of the 21st Century, Chinese government has established a schema to develop the national logistics, at the same time, and has given the preferential policy to construct a modern logistic system. Cop. QiMing grasps such great opportunity and produces a series of the third part logistic systems combining with the china situation, which not only meet china logistic development but also expand new functions gradually to keep up with the trend of international logistics development.According to the idea of moderately advanced structure, Logistics information system include Transportation Subsystem,Warehouse Subsystem, Purchase Subsystem, Delivery Subsystem, Process Subsystem, Packaging Subsystem, Sale Subsystem and so on. We already finished the first phases Project in which implemented transportation subsystem and warehouse subsystem .I particularly describes the whole course of software Design and implementation of the transportation dispatching system. Moreover, I analyzes and sums up owner experience and shortage in the course of completing work.Chapter 1 introduces logistics and its development history, and indicates the import meaning of developing modern logistic information system. In china, the development of logistics is being of primary phase. Compared with developed country, our logistics has some gap and logistic cognition is elementary idea. With china entering the WTO and the open of market being, that is a key factor how to raise our logistics manage and service level , and increase enterprise’s economic benefits.So, There has a good solution only to build an advanced, unblocked, dynamic, interconnect information system.Chapter 2 sets forth that logistic transportation dispatching system based on GPS Technique is applied the field of logistic science and integrated the advanced information techniques, In which puts forward the project’s planning and applyingprospect by analyzing the transportation organization’s manage idea and organization principle of the third part logistics. In addition, the chapter details the main techniques of system, such as GPS, Bar Code and EDI.In Chapter 3, it describes the complete processing and the six main function modules of transportation system depended on obtaining client’s demand in the earlier stage. Furthermore, it gives a detailed example of main operation processing module which shows the business process and function achieving from receiving a order of goods to dispatching a vehicle. Use case views describe systemic use case by using UML and detail every use case. Besides, I put forth some owner thinking on working of demand stage.Chapter 4 analyzes and designs the total systemic framework based on <WP=68>confirmed demand by OOP design ideas, and brings forward N layers application framework ideas which is nowadays fashionable building enterprise framework design ideas. As well as , the concrete realization of N layers systemic framework ideas. The whole logistic transportation dispatching system includes Web layer, businessFacade layer, BusinessRule layer, BusinessEntity layer, DataAccess Layer. design Views which are static structure view, sequence view, status view, database module view give expression to system both static fabric and dynamic behavior.Chapter 5 introduce some programming languages being used in system which is dot net framework, ASP.NET 、VB.NET 、ADO.NET 、XML、CSS. It discusses how to make use of these languages to solve the knotty questions of program. For example, Putting to use Visual SourceSafe Explorer in the course of team programming; how to implement database access; how to design and implement Web form;how to complete to login page layout; how to deliver parameter between two web form page layouts; how to catch and deal with the error in the program; how to optimize transportation line; some key questions and solutions of Web service application.Chapter 6 explains the whole process of cell testing and system testing, in which show how to plan a test, and design test , execute test and evaluate e

【关键词】 第三方物流; 基于GPS的物流运输调度管理信息系统; N层体系架构; Visual Studio.Net技术; GPS技术。;
【Key words】 The third part Logistics; logistic transportation dispatching system based on GPS Technique; N layers Systemic Framework; Visual Studio.Net; GPS;

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  •   本文关键词:基于GPS的物流运输调度管理系统设计与实现,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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