本文选题:流通效率 切入点:商流中间商 出处:《宏观质量研究》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's economic marketization, the circulation industry is playing an increasingly important role in the macro-economic operation. This paper attempts to build a benchmark model of circulation and economic growth from the perspective of circulation efficiency provided by circulation industry in economic growth. On the basis of this, the paper obtains its expanding model, analyzes the reason of the logistics middleman and the commercial flow middleman, and its role in the economic growth. The study finds that the continuous improvement of circulation efficiency promotes the continuous evolution of specialization division in economic growth. It promotes the rational division of labor between logistics middlemen and commercial middlemen, enables commodity circulation to be carried out at lower cost, improves the usefulness of commodities to consumers, and at the same time ensures the interests of producers. Using the data from the provincial panel from 1985 to 2013, the empirical analysis shows that, on the whole, the positive impact of business on economic growth is very significant. However, the positive impact of logistics on economic growth is not significant, which indicates that the level of logistics development is limited, and its role in promoting economic growth has not been fully reflected. As far as regional differences are concerned, the eastern and central regions are tested separately. The economic growth effect of circulation industry in the three major western regions shows that business in the eastern region has the greatest positive impact on economic growth. The logistics industry has not played a role in promoting economic growth in the three major regions. The corresponding policy implication is that in order to play the role of circulation industry in promoting economic growth, it is necessary to coordinate the rational division of labor between commerce and logistics industry. In order to improve the efficiency of circulation.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学经济学院;西北大学经济管理学院;
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