本文选题:农产品 切入点:供应链管理 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the issue of food quality and safety has been paid more and more attention by the country and the people. In recent years, there have been many incidents of food quality and safety in China. Therefore, through the construction of agricultural product supply chain tracking and tracing system, we can effectively guard against the problem of agricultural product quality and safety. Based on the summarization of domestic and foreign research trends and guided by relevant theories, this paper expounds the driving factors of agricultural product tracking and tracing system and its application value. This paper clarifies the constituent elements and existing problems of the tracing and tracing system for agricultural products, and takes the milk industry of Weinan as an example, analyzes the idea of constructing the tracing and tracing system of milk in Weinan city, the design mode and its guarantee mechanism. In order to promote the optimization of the traceability system for agricultural products, so as to better implement the quality and safety management of agricultural products. It is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, it is beneficial for companies or enterprises to find agricultural products with hidden risks of quality and safety according to the information recorded downstream of the agricultural product supply chain, and recall them in a timely manner. To avoid large-scale circulation of the agricultural product downstream of the supply chain in order to reduce the impact of the agricultural product on public health; second, to facilitate the government to base its information records on the circulation of agricultural products in the agricultural product supply chain, Along the upstream of the agricultural product supply chain, the cause of the accident and the person responsible for the accident can be traced back in time. Third, it is advantageous for consumers to obtain information on the circulation of agricultural products in the supply chain according to the agricultural product tracking and tracing query system. Enhancing consumers' confidence in the quality and safety of agricultural products, enhancing consumers' willingness to purchase agricultural products and purchasing satisfaction.) four supply chain models of traceability system for agricultural products are put forward, namely production base as the core, logistics center as the core, and logistics center as the core. Distributor as the core, processing center as the core.) under the influence of internal and external environment, limited resources, limited information, lack of traceability standards, The limitation of traceability and the deficiency of cognitive level are the key problems in the current agricultural traceability traceability system.
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