本文选题:网购平台商品 切入点:质量信息 出处:《山东大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the progress of science and technology, E-commerce, online shopping is no longer a choice, but a necessity. However, due to space constraints and the lag of laws and regulations and other reasons, Online shopping platform has false website information, fake and shoddy products, goods without logos and other good and bad, difficult to distinguish the quality of information problems, This has become a major obstacle for Chinese Internet users to achieve online transactions. How should online shopping platform merchants formulate quality marketing strategies and design effective quality signal display to win the trust of consumers? How should government regulators guide consumers to obtain reliable quality signals, which has become the key point for the good and orderly development of the entire online shopping market. First, this article through the relevant literature review, Combined with the current situation of online shopping market and interviews with some experts and consumers, this paper constructs a model of commodity quality signal transmission on online shopping platform, finds out the possible influencing factors, and makes a theoretical explanation. Taking Tmall platform as an example, through factor analysis and logical regression model analysis of survey data, this paper finds that "genuine commitment". "fake one versus three", "physical picture of goods", "seller category", "measures to promote the construction of online shopping credit system", "formulation and improvement of relevant laws and regulations", "Inspection (spot check) mechanism of commodity quality by industry and commerce department", "targeted at sale" "the degree of punishment for violations", "whether there are functions such as whether the mouse displays enlarged details when passing over a commodity picture", "negative evaluation information about sellers and commodities", "goods recommended by others", "trusted logistics company". "... Lai degree, monthly sales information of goods, refund dispute rate, quality inspection report issued by third party certification organization and certification certificate have a significant effect on the transmission of goods quality signal. Each subject should reasonably display the quality signals according to the degree of common influence of multiple individual characteristics of consumers on receiving quality signals; "Industry Alliance and Regional Business Association logo", "the implementation and implementation of the seller qualification certification of gold sellers," Store aging, store dynamic rating, positive evaluation information about sellers and commodities, website collection of precious goods, etc., had less effect on transmitting quality signals. Each subject should have a common degree of influence on the received quality signal based on multiple individual characteristics of the consumer, so as not to design the transmission of these quality signals as much as possible, Or standardize these quality signals to improve the degree to which customers receive these quality signals. Finally, based on the conclusions of the research, this paper makes a study of sellers, Tmall shopping platforms, and third-party service organizations. Government regulators and consumers have put forward recommendations to improve the quality of goods identified by consumers. For sellers, disclosure of relevant quality information should be as comprehensive and accurate as possible. For Tmall shopping platform, It is necessary to establish a sound mechanism for seller access and complaints and penalties, perfect the mechanism for the introduction of seller and commodity information and an evaluation mechanism. For government regulatory agencies, a series of regulatory systems and regulatory measures should be adopted to strengthen the relationship between the seller and the buyer. For third-party service organizations, they must be honest, strictly implement service standards, win a good reputation for themselves, and put an end to the phenomenon of "formality". In order to satisfy the purchase demand, it is clear that the purchase demand should be determined and considered according to the quality information provided by each relevant subject of online shopping.
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