本文选题:现场管理 + “7S” ; 参考:《重庆理工大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:On-site management is an important part of the whole enterprise management, which is closely related to the profits of the enterprise, and also plays an important role in the reputation and image of the enterprise. With the rapid development of economy and technology, the production scale of enterprises is expanding, the level of hardware facilities is improving, and the backward level of field management will seriously affect the competitiveness of enterprises and restrict the sustainable development of enterprises. Lifan motorcycle is an important business sector of Lifan Group, ranked among the top motorcycle exports in Chongqing for many years. In recent years, the field management level of motorcycle division lags behind the improvement speed of hardware condition, which has become the bottleneck restricting the development of the business department. Based on the field management theory and the production site situation of Lifan Motorcycle Division, this paper optimizes and improves the field management. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the development status of motorcycle industry is analyzed. By analyzing the theory and application of field management at home and abroad, the importance of site management to the development of enterprises and the shortcomings of field management in China are clarified. Aiming at the content and control elements of the field management theory, this paper summarizes the main methods and tools of the field management theory, including the production site logistics management and the field "7s" management. Secondly, the current situation of Lifan motorcycle production site is investigated in depth, and the main problems of site management are analyzed. Aiming at these problems, the site logistics path is optimized from the aspects of site logistics improvement and "7s". Improved the layout of the field process, formulated the field material distribution plan, standardized the specifications of the field material assembly, at the same time, Through visual management and fixed management to promote the development of "7S" activities. "7S" activities to promote the production site, all kinds of labels unified, various items placed standard, create a clean, comfortable, The production environment of employee's independent management improves the level of field management and staff's working efficiency. Finally, the improvement scheme is applied to the field management of Lifan Motorcycle Division one by one, and good economic benefits are obtained, and the lean process of the enterprise is promoted at the same time.
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