本文选题:DPSIR框架 + 珠三角(珠江三角洲) ; 参考:《暨南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Agricultural land resource is the life root of city and industry development, the foundation of human survival, and the important part of land resource. However, under the double pressure of rapid urbanization and population expansion, the contradiction between man and land is becoming increasingly prominent. At present, China is faced with huge problems of the quantity and quality of agricultural land resources, which seriously restricts the process of urbanization and urban economic transformation and upgrading. Extensive, resource-consuming and polluted agricultural land use patterns need to be changed, and sustainable farmland use has entered the vision of global scholars and policy makers. This paper takes sustainability evaluation as the main line, applies the framework of "driving-pressure-state-impact-response" as the evaluation model, and takes the agricultural land use pattern of the Pearl River Delta as the evaluation object. The purpose of this paper is to find out the law of the sustainable level evolution of farmland use in the Pearl River Delta and the key problems that hinder the sustainable use of agricultural land in the Pearl River Delta, and to combine the characteristics and development direction of the Pearl River Delta. It provides a reference for the rational reservation of agricultural space in the Pearl River Delta and the scientific planning and management of agricultural land use under the guidance of the planning of the main function area. Based on the research, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the sustainable degree of farmland use in the Pearl River Delta shows a downward trend of fluctuation on the whole (2) it mainly experienced four stages of fluctuation, and finally stabilized in the initial stage of sustainable utilization. From this, several rules of evolution of the sustainable level of farmland use in the Pearl River Delta are obtained. Rapid urbanization leads to the increase of driving force coefficient, which is the main reason for the change of farmland use pattern in the Pearl River Delta. In the Pearl River Delta, the pressure of agricultural land non-agricultural development is gradually spreading to the less developed cities in the Pearl River Delta. Policy plays an important role and has a significant impact on the evaluation results. The historical repetition of excessive intensive farming on the pressure index level shows the necessity and urgency of the government scientific guidance and the management of farmers' farming methods to maintain soil productivity and realize the sustainable use of agricultural land in the Pearl River Delta. The urban agriculture, which is driven by science and technology and talents, will play a great supporting role in realizing the sustainable use of farmland in the Pearl River Delta. Furthermore, several problems affecting the sustainable use of agricultural land in the Pearl River Delta are discussed: (1) the economic development and urbanization process in the Pearl River Delta and the deviation between the sustainable use of agricultural land and the sustainable use of agricultural land are not ideal. It is mainly due to the excessive pressure of artificial development and use of farmland system, which leads to the decrease of land stock and the instability of land use. The more profound problem is that the ecological value and ecological loss of agricultural land have not entered the framework of efficiency measurement. And it seems that the policy and system of agricultural land regulation and management cannot be easily dissolved by grain logistics. At one time, the policy and system of agricultural land regulation and management have appeared to be in a state of failure. This may be related to the failure of farmland quality supervision and the lack of participation at the grass-roots level, which results in serious loss of performance in the implementation of policies and systems. Therefore, the paper calls for the transformation of agricultural land use mode to intensive, refined and ecological, and puts forward the idea of giving priority to planning, strengthening scientific guidance, promoting the transformation of agricultural land use mode, and perfecting the ecological compensation system. Policy recommendations to improve land management and law enforcement, and to promote public participation.
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