本文选题:海港口岸 + 出入境边防检查 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and the deepening of reform and opening up process, the exchanges between China and other countries and regions are getting closer and closer. The national and regional flows of people, logistics, information flow, etc., are increasing day by day, which poses a new challenge to the management of border inspection in China. Since Tianjin Binhai New area was listed in the national overall development plan, Tianjin's status as a northern shipping center and an international logistics center has become increasingly prominent. How to coordinate and integrate all kinds of resources, perfect management and service, and promote the sustainable, stable and healthy development of Binhai New area has become a research hotspot. As an entry-exit frontier inspection office serving Tianjin Port, the Tianjin Frontier Inspection General Station, under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security, has put forward a number of improvement measures by carrying out "service-centered inspection, smooth customs clearance and adherence to the policy of strict control." For the development of Tianjin economy and the development and opening of Binhai New area to create a good customs environment. This paper introduces the new situation and new situation of Tianjin Port Frontier Inspection Station through the research on the administration of entry and exit frontier inspection of Tianjin Harbour Port, and puts forward the management concept, function orientation and organization setting of Tianjin Port Border Inspection Station. The problems in policing mode and try to put forward some countermeasures. This paper first introduces the characteristics of Tianjin Harbour Port, and the present situation of Tianjin Harbour Port Frontier Inspection Management, combs the new problems of entry and exit border inspection of Tianjin Harbour Port in the new period, and finds out the loopholes and deficiencies in the work. Based on the analysis of the causes of the problems, the countermeasures and suggestions for perfecting the management of the entry and exit border inspection at Tianjin seaport are put forward on the basis of comparing the immigration departments and immigration agencies of foreign countries. This paper holds that the administration of entry and exit frontier inspection at Tianjin seaport should learn new theory and adopt new countermeasures. Abandon the rigid and inefficient management methods of the active service system of the armed police. Drawing lessons from the new public management and risk management theory achievements, introducing administrative contracts and other methods, implementing the models of wharf, risk assessment and classified management outside Hong Kong, so as to save the police force without key and comprehensive supervision. Implement targeted policy guidance, and do a good job of immigration and customs services. Find their own public management subject position to ensure that not only smooth customs clearance, but also strict control, not only create a good customs environment, but also to ensure port security and stability. This paper mainly adopts the empirical research method, the literature research method, the comparative research method, through the theoretical analysis and the empirical analysis union, the quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis unifies, In this paper, the existing problems of border inspection in Tianjin seaport are analyzed, and the countermeasures are put forward.
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