[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy and the increasingly fierce market competition, the competition in cost control, service level, new product introduction speed, delivery speed and so on in the production and manufacturing industry has entered into a white-hot situation. The level of management in all aspects directly determines the speed of enterprise development and the direction of future development. However, in the actual operation process, due to the lack of comprehensive facilities planning or the lack of market changes, the ability to adapt to policy changes leads to various kinds of waste, resulting in high production and operation costs and a continuous decline in service level. Make the enterprise lose competitiveness. Therefore, it is of great significance for the development of enterprises to consider their own development planning and facility layout, to cope with market changes with higher production flexibility, to eliminate unnecessary production or logistics links and to reduce all kinds of waste. Taking an existing assembly line of the company as the research object, using PGL (Planning Guideline) management method, this paper discusses the application of lean thought in the process of facility planning. From the point of view of the whole value stream, the paper applies the idea of value Stream Design (VSD). The concept of Lean Line Design (LLD) is used to analyze the production line, to find the best production facility layout (FOL), to improve the production efficiency of the existing production line and to reduce the in-process inventory in the production process. Speed up the flow of funds, reduce production and operation costs. Firstly, the production process of the research object is introduced, and the production data and logistics data in the layout of the existing production facilities are collected by using the process program diagram and the dynamic element analysis method. Secondly, the application of plan-oriented management method in facility planning is introduced in detail, and the concept of VSD-LD-Mockup and FOL in plan-oriented management method and its practical application are expounded, and the existing production line problems are improved by using this method. Try to find a solution and verify the feasibility of the solution. Finally, the analysis results of the plan-oriented management method are used to replan the existing production layout, and track the improvement results to confirm the effectiveness of the improvement measures.
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