[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the world economy, information technology has developed rapidly in just a few decades, which provides a good technical support for various industries, provides information management for enterprises in various industries, helps enterprises to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Among all kinds of information technology, logistics management information system is one of the most common information systems. Using computer and related equipment to complete the goods information reading and recording, and then storing the read information into the logistics management information system, using the computer to manage the relevant information, And the system can also realize tracking and management of information on the way of logistics. With the increasingly fierce competition in the market, a variety of new products appear in the market, and user needs are becoming more and more personalized. Anshan Iron and Steel Group has developed into the largest iron and steel enterprise in China, but its development is affected to a certain extent by the way of human logistics management. Management based on manpower can not provide enough information support for logistics transportation, which will cause waste of resources and reduce enterprise efficiency. To break through this barrier and meet the trend of Internet development, a computer-based logistics management system is the first choice to solve this problem. Based on the logistics system of Anshan Iron and Steel Group, this paper designs and develops a software of warehousing logistics management system of Anshan Iron and Steel Co. The main function modules of the warehouse logistics management system designed and implemented in this paper include: system user management, business management, and basic data management module. The design of the interface follows the principles of simplicity, generosity and ease of use. The first part of this paper mainly introduces the related technologies used in the implementation of the system, mainly using the J SP, MVC mode and the system framework, and then introduces the requirement analysis and design of the system, and then the specific implementation of each module of the system.
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