[Abstract]:According to the WTO framework agreement, China is about to pass the transitional period, and then fully open the logistics industry. Foreign logistics giants have long coveted China's nearly 2 trillion yuan logistics market, with strong capital and operational strength, constantly seize the share of logistics market. For Chinese tobacco enterprises, the situation is even more severe: to resist the expansion and penetration of international tobacco giants, and to compete with domestic logistics companies with rapid development, the transition period of WTO is about to pass. In addition, the duration of monopoly system can not be determined, leaving a very limited time for industry reform and development. So the development of industry logistics has aroused the high attention of the National Tobacco Bureau. The construction of sales network is a very important part of tobacco logistics. It is of great significance to develop the county tobacco marketing network. The paper begins with the background and significance of building cigarette sales network, and describes the current tobacco industry is faced with the challenge of controlling cigarette retail network terminals, but also the existence of cigarette retail network terminals are still very backward reality. It explains the urgency of improving the cigarette sales network, and then analyzes the demand of the cigarette sales environment and the clients of the sales network and the present situation of the distribution of retail outlets in Yizhang cigarette market. The necessity and urgency of controlling the retail terminal of cigarette sales are further expounded. Finally, the improved design of the cigarette marketing network in Yizhang County is put forward. The main features of its improved design are as follows: 1) constructing a network of distribution centers across regions; 2) constructing a distribution system in urban areas; 3) a multilevel network system needs to keep close to the users. Thus saving the cost caused by transportation. 4) adopting multilevel network system. Yichang County tobacco sales network includes the following levels. First, build a cross-regional network of tobacco distribution centers. Second, establish a cross-regional distribution network.
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