[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet industry, the security of electronic payment is guaranteed, and the level of logistics distribution is getting higher and higher, which makes online shopping become a common practice, which also motivates the retailers industry to start expanding from traditional offline channels to online channels. The online channel enriches the retail sales mode, and its characteristics of low cost, fast spread and strong flexibility seek high profits for retailers. There are also some problems in online channels, such as the imbalance of distribution services, the risks of the network and so on. At the same time, retailers are bound to plunder a part of the offline consumer market after opening up online channels. The relationship between the two channels is also the relationship between competition and coordination, among which price strategy and service strategy should be formulated, which is worth studying. This article assumes that an off-line retailer wants to open up online channels. First of all, the online distribution time is taken as the online service factor, at the same time, combining with the price factor and the consumer's acceptance degree factor of the online channel, this paper studies the conditions under which retailers open up the double channel, and under which conditions only the offline channel is retained. In what conditions only to open up online channels and the corresponding price strategy. When the distribution cost and time are linear and piecewise linear, the market opening strategy and price strategy of retailers are discussed respectively. Secondly, in the case of retailers opening up two channels, how to make the best price strategy and service strategy when the online and offline prices are the same. Then consider the case of only offline channel competition and online channel competition, assuming that retailers are dominant in market competition, competitors are followers, and adopt Stackelberg game theory. This paper discusses how to make the strategy when retailers use the same price model to compete with their competitors. The optimal price and service strategy under two kinds of competition are given, and the influence of the adjustment of service level on price strategy and demand is analyzed. Finally, the conclusion is verified by an example, and the income that is difficult to give the result in the theoretical analysis is analyzed. The price strategy and the effect of service level on the income are verified, and when the consumers in the online and offline markets transfer, the paper analyzes the effect of the price strategy and the service level on the income. The influence of different degree of transfer on total income.
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