本文选题:A公司 + 企业文化 ; 参考:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Enterprise culture is not only the soul of the enterprise, but also one of the important assessment standards for the core competitiveness of the enterprise. The construction enterprises are generally labor intensive enterprises, the unfixed construction sites, the dispersivity of the engineering projects, the serious local constraints of the working environment, the uniqueness of the products and the far-reaching impact of the products are determined by other factors. The construction of its enterprise culture is different from other enterprises. As an important part of the large construction enterprise, the grass-roots project department bears the capacity of more than 80% of the staff of the construction enterprises, and the related research shows that the construction of the project culture is the short board of the enterprise culture construction, so the research on the cultural construction of the grass-roots item department is of significance to the construction enterprises. China Construction seven Bureau Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. (this article referred to as "A company") is subordinate to Chinese architecture, is a typical large state-owned construction enterprise. The company's cultural construction system follows the overall cultural deployment of China Construction Corporation and the seven Bureau, and has formed a complete cultural system. With the gradual development and expansion of enterprises, the company has undertaken the work. Gradually increasing, the grass-roots project department distributed all over the country, but the enterprise culture in the process of infiltration to the grass-roots project department has suffered resistance, can not close to the effective role of the project to play the effective role of culture, grass-roots project department culture construction into a dilemma. First, to comb the existing achievements and development stages of the enterprise culture construction of A company, found that the existing achievements and development stage, found that The company has a complete cultural system with a strong model and exemplary role in the industry. The Chinese construction creed is the cultural guidance of the entire construction system owned by the A company. It clearly points out that the ultimate goal of the enterprise is "expanding the space for employee happiness", and the nine chapter of the ten code is the norm of behavior within the whole system. On the basis of the system culture,.A company further derives the "win-win culture" on the basis of the system culture. In the course of the cultural construction of the grass-roots project department, A company has achieved good achievements and bright spots, such as the effective realization of the company CI strategy. Deploying and implementing the assessment standards of project management, effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm of the employees through cultural activities, building the youth civilization number, building the young civilization and security post, promoting the construction of the work competition of the Ankang cup, regularly carrying out professional training to improve the professional accomplishment of the workers, and diversifying the channel of cultural communication. The development of enterprise culture, and so on. Secondly, it analyzes and summarizes the current situation of the cultural construction of the grass-roots Project Department of A company. The reasons are as follows: the project manager can not face the force of the construction of the project culture; the structure of the project personnel is complex, the cultural construction is not concerned, the initiative and the initiative are not concerned; the cultural construction of the project department is too superficial and lack of innovation. The project staff's understanding of cultural construction is too narrow, the lack of personnel and conditions related to the construction of the project department, the short and unstable time span of the project department, which is not conducive to the long period of cultural construction and the construction of the project culture, and it is difficult to reveal the contradiction between the project department and the construction of the project culture; the unsound organization of the organization is not conducive to the construction of the culture. In the end, the basic principles of people-oriented and benefit priority must be adhered to in the process of construction, and the culture of grass-roots project departments should be promoted well. The culture of the grass-roots project department should be guided, In addition to the basic functions of motivation, standardization and cohesion, we should also have the functions of education, leisure and benefit, and put forward suggestions from four layers of material culture, behavior culture, system culture and spiritual culture, and re construct the general picture of the Cultural Construction Department of the grass-roots project department.
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