本文选题:信息系统 + 需求分析 ; 参考:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper is mainly about the research and analysis of the scientific research project management system of Yunnan Rui Sheng Tobacco Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., which is mainly through the use of network technology to realize the project management of scientific research projects involved in the management of scientific research projects in the company's scientific and technological management, the mid-term inspection and management of scientific research projects, and the management of the change of scientific research projects. The system of scientific research project acceptance management, scientific research project achievement management and so on. In view of the low efficiency of the manual operation management of the current scientific research project management, the system is designed to solve the problem of the company's manpower in the scientific research project management, the low utilization rate of material resources and the low transparency of the management process. The management system can standardize the business process of scientific research project management, improve the management efficiency and service level of the scientific and Technological Management Department of the company, reduce the management cost, improve the overall efficiency of scientific research project management, and emancipate the information management system for the management of scientific research project workers. This paper first introduces the project background of Yunnan Rui Sheng research project management system, combined with the actual work situation, and discusses the status of the research and application of the same kind of system. After the analysis of the actual business process of the original manual management mode of the company, the process of the related business is optimized and the selection of the object-oriented is selected. In the image method, the systematic process reengineering and optimization of the scientific research project management system have been carried out, the corresponding functional requirements and business needs analysis are completed, and the data analysis, use case diagram and use case description involved in the system are described. The system is studied and designed in the system analysis, including the project management and the scientific research project. The function modules of the period inspection management, the change management of scientific research projects, the acceptance management of scientific research projects, the management of the achievements of scientific research projects, and the package diagram in the system are given, and the related analysis of the database is carried out with the entity class diagram and the database table structure. Finally, the essence of the research project management system is summarized. The related contributions in this project are described, the shortcomings and deficiencies of this project are pointed out, and the next work is prospected.
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