本文选题:项目 + 业主方 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the extensive application of new materials, new technology and new technology, the socialized division of labor in the field of engineering construction is becoming more and more detailed, and the project participants are more and more. As the constructor of the project, the investors (hereinafter referred to as the owner of the project) need to sign more and more contracts, the contract management is becoming more and more difficult, the traditional contract management department has been more and more unable to manage the project contract. At present, the contract management of most of the project owners in our country is still in the traditional sense of project contract management carried out by the contract management department. The most characteristic of this traditional contract management mode is that the contract management is carried out according to the different stages of the project within the enterprise, and the contract management process of the different stages is not linked together to form a unified whole, and the contracts are independent of each other; Outside the enterprise, the objects of contract management of the project participants are different, which leads to the discontinuity of the project contract management activities, and the internal relationship of the contract is artificially severed. This kind of contract management model has been difficult to meet the needs of large complex group project owner party contract management. To change this kind of traditional contract management mode, we must use the management thought of systematization, integration and information, regard the contract management of each project and every stage of the project as a system engineering, apply system theory, cybernetics, etc. Project management theory and information processing platform based on network are used to carry out project owner contract management. Based on the current situation of project owner contract management in China, this paper analyzes the problems existing in project owner party contract management, and puts forward the whole project and the whole process according to the characteristics of large complex group projects. The most characteristic of the overall contract management mode of the whole project owner is that the whole project objective should be taken as the starting point, the objectives and tasks of the contract management of the project participants should be reasonably arranged, and the project contract management work should be systematized. Taking the contract management in different stages of the project as the target, and applying the theories of system theory and cybernetics, the process of contract management in different stages is organically connected to form a unified whole. Let all the members participate in the project contract management, give full play to the collective wisdom, minimize the contract risk, reduce contract disputes, and ensure the realization of the project objectives. It is feasible and effective to implement the comprehensive contract management mode in large complex group projects through the practical test of a garden project case. This paper analyzes and constructs the project owner contract management system in a garden case, the contract management of the project owner planning stage, the bidding stage contract management, the implementation stage contract management and the contract change management, this paper analyzes and constructs the project owner contract management system, the project owner party contract management, the bidding stage contract management, the implementation stage contract management and the contract change management. The main aspects of information management, risk management and other aspects are elaborated. Finally, through the effect of contract management of the owner of the garden project, the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing the overall contract management of the project owner are obtained. This paper is based on the practice of contract management of the owner of a garden project and makes a systematic summary, induction, optimization and theoretical research results. It is helpful to other project owner's contract management practice.
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