[摘 要] 通过分析重庆市奥体中心案例,得出了现存公共项目建设合作模式没有从项目整个生命周期考虑的缺点和PPP模式的优势。并且从和谐管理理论的角度提出了PPP项目融资的和谐建设模式,探讨了PPP项目合作过程中建设和谐模式的各阶段的和谐主题、实现途径,,并运用“优化设计”和“人的能动性”双规则互动耦合机制,实现PPP项目各参与方合作绩效的改进,达到PPP项目合作共赢的目标。
[关键词] 基础设施;PPP项目融资;合作模式;和谐理论
Abstract: This article analyzed the fault of the existing public project construction cooperation mode and the advantage of the PPP projects through the case of Chongqing Olympic Sports Center. And at the visual angle of harmonious management theory it proposed the harmonious construction model of the PPP project finance, and discussed the harmonious theme and the approach of implementation at each stage of the building of harmonious mode in the process of PPP project cooperation. Besides it used the method of the interacted and coupled dual rule including optimal design and human motivation. The purpose is to improve the performance and achieve the win-win situation for the participants of PPP projects.
Key words: infrastructure; PPP project finance; cooperation mode; harmonious theory
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