[Abstract]:With the intensification of the competition in the domestic construction market and the further implementation of the "going out" policy, overseas project contracting has developed rapidly, and more domestic construction enterprises are exploring out to sea. The share of Chinese construction enterprises in the overseas engineering market is increasing year by year, and the international influence is gradually increasing. Overseas project contracting is a high risk event. The level of risk management directly affects the effect of project management and then affects the survival and development of enterprises. Contract management as an important part of project management, the level of contract risk management is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. In a sense, the success or failure of contract risk management, It has become a key factor in the success of project management. Therefore, how to improve the risk management level of overseas engineering contracts has become an important topic for international engineering contracting enterprises. This paper starts with the related concepts of overseas engineering risk and the theory of project risk management, after deeply analyzing the characteristics of overseas engineering project contract risk, it identifies and classifies the overseas engineering project contract risk. The identified contract risk is analyzed, and the qualitative and quantitative methods are used to evaluate the contract risk. Thirdly, aiming at different risk levels, the paper puts forward the strategies to deal with the risk. The analysis and application of contract risk management in actual cases are given.
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