[Abstract]:Beauty industry, is a fast-growing industry, and people's daily life is closely linked to the industry. At present, beauty salon's overall economic benefit maintains the good development trend, starts at the same time with the reform and opening up, but really receives the attention rarely. Elegant beauty salon was founded in 2002, after more than 10 years of development, has a membership of nearly 1,000, daily business volume stability, initial scale. Along with the development, the traditional management also appeared the not small question, has brought some bad influence for the beauty salon management and the customer feeling. This paper first introduces the development of beauty salon at home and abroad, as well as the role of beauty salon management information system, the main content of the paper and the framework of the paper. Then the main management business process of the beauty salon is analyzed in detail, including beauty project management, customer reservation, room allocation, beautician allocation, room management, goods inventory management, etc., according to the business analysis, The main functions of the system are analyzed, including beauty project management, customer reservation management, member information management, beautician allocation management, room information management, inventory information management, etc. Then their data flow analysis is given in detail, and other requirements of the project are given according to the actual needs of the project. On the basis of requirement analysis of Yating Beauty salon management system, the system structure analysis and function structure analysis of the project are given. According to the content of requirement analysis, the detailed modules are given. It mainly includes the analysis of the program flow of each sub-module of the management content, and gives the corresponding logical structure analysis and table structure analysis of the database according to the data flow diagram. The research and analysis of the management system of beauty salon described in this paper, from the point of view of business and data, gives the system analysis. The system analyzed in this paper has friendly interface and good expansibility. To realize the rational, scientific and standardized management of beauty salon. Improve the efficiency and management level of beauty salon management to ensure maximum economic benefits.
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