[Abstract]:OBJECTIVE:To understand the implementation status of research projects in public welfare industries undertaken by CDC and its subordinate units,and to summarize and analyze the problems in the implementation process and put forward relevant suggestions. Methods: Through consulting the task books, progress reports, mid-term inspection reports and closing reports of 22 special research projects in public welfare industries undertaken by our center and its affiliated units from 2007 to 2014 Report, mid-term inspection, evaluation and acceptance opinions and other relevant information, summarize the problems existing in the whole process of the implementation of scientific research projects after the establishment of the project. Results: Through the analysis and discussion of the implementation of the completed acceptance project, the implementation of the research project, and the implementation of the related projects involving the implementation of medical ethics. To ensure smooth communication; (2) in the completed project, some project participants did not meet the requirements of the task statement, but did not affect the smooth completion of the project; in the research project, there were also participants did not meet the requirements of the task statement, but related to the research content and the research stage of the project, did not affect the progress of the project. In the aspect of budget execution, the total budget of the final project did not exceed the expenditure, but there were some items of overexpenditure, which was directly related to the project participants'failure to establish detailed accounts for the research projects in financial management, and related to the unreasonable budget preparation of the project team at that time. The original budget has been adjusted but not approved; some projects have been completed, but the final payment has not been completed; the allocation and expenditure of project funds need a certain period. (4) All the completed projects have passed the business acceptance, and the output results are various. But the financial acceptance of two projects is not one time, resulting in the identified balance. Fees need to be recovered from the original channels. The output of research projects is mainly papers and graduate students, and there is no early completion of the task statement assessment indicators. The proportion of participants in the project group receiving ethical education and training in scientific research is low, and there is no uniform understanding of whether they are involved in ethical research. It is suggested that the project team should implement the division of labor and cooperation in the follow-up work, establish the regular meeting system and strengthen the on-site index. To guide and supervise the work, improve the project archives management, attach importance to the medical ethical issues involved in the project, strengthen the management of biological samples, and give full play to the role of financial experts in the fund management; to suggest that the scientific research management and financial departments should strengthen the budget awareness, establish a scientific research management information system and a regular inspection system for scientific research projects of the unit. It is suggested that the competent department of the project should strengthen the acceptance and examination of the questions, and introduce the third party supervision of the scientific research projects.
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