[Abstract]:The sinking tunnel of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is the first deep buried tunnel under construction in China. There are 33 submersible pipes and 1 final joint. The contract period is 36 months. The installation of sinking pipe floating is a control project of immersed pipe tunnel. In order to complete the contract period, the average speed of 1 knots / month is required for installation. However, the installation procedure of sinking pipe floating is many, demanding and difficult. And it must be carried out under a specific operation window, so it is difficult to control the installation schedule of sinking pipe floating. As the first offshore immersed tube tunnel in China, there is no successful experience in schedule control. How to use limited resources to complete the floating installation of sinking pipe within the contract period is the key and difficulty of project management. This paper is under this background to carry out the research. In this paper, using network planning technology, the construction progress chart of floating installation of sinking pipe of Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is compiled, resources are allocated, control program, methods and measures are put forward, and the theoretical results are applied to the practice of installation of sinking pipe, and the plan is adjusted. The specific work to be carried out is as follows: 1. Starting with the contract period, this paper analyzes the characteristics and difficulties of the floating installation of sinking pipe, formulates the overall goal and progress goal, and makes the schedule plan. First of all, decomposing the operation tasks of floating transportation and installation of sinking pipes, estimating the duration of each task, studying the logical relationship, importance, resource consumption, risk grade and other control conditions of each task, Based on this, a set of construction schedule control plan is worked out. Then the network technology is used to adjust and optimize the construction schedule, and a set of construction schedule. 2. 2. According to the construction schedule, the research on the floating installation resources of sinking pipes is carried out, and the ship machinery, personnel and materials needed for the project are configured, and the key and non-critical resources are identified. It is pointed out that the schedule. 3. 3 can be adjusted by adjusting the input of resources. The goal of schedule control is decomposed, and the control procedure, organization and control method of progress plan are worked out, and then the main measures of project schedule control are worked out. This paper applies the research theory to the practice of the floating installation of the sinking pipe of the HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. According to the problems in the implementation of the plan, the reasons are analyzed, the improvement measures are formulated by the plan control method, and the subsequent construction schedule is adjusted. A new progress plan has been drawn up. It is pointed out in this paper that although there are 17 processes for the floating operation and installation of sinking pipes, the critical control work can be reduced to 4 by using the parallel working method using network planning technology. When the schedule is deviated, we can adjust the network plan, increase the resource input, strengthen the technical research, and strengthen the measures of organization guarantee.
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