[Abstract]:At present, there are some problems such as "idling" of funds, difficulty in recovering and squeezing away free funds in the paid funds of the key prevention and control projects of water and soil conservation in comprehensive agricultural development. The main reasons are as follows: first, the economic benefit of soil and water conservation project is low; second, the economy of the project implementation area is backward, and the pressure of using paid funds is great; third, the management system of fund use is not perfect; Fifth, in recent years, comparative benefits of agriculture continue to decline. The solution to the problem is to change paid funds into unpaid funds, to reform the management of the use of funds, and to strengthen project management.
【作者单位】: 水利部水土保持司 水利部水土保持司 水利部水土保持司 长江水利委员会水土保持局 长江水利委员会水土保持局
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