[Abstract]:Project management is the main operation of construction enterprise. Engineering project is the cost center and benefit source of enterprise. Compared with the manufacturing enterprises, the construction enterprises have great differences in the products they produce and the processes of their production and management activities, the mobility of their staff, the uniqueness of their products, The one-time project is the construction enterprise distinct industry characteristics. At the same time, the construction enterprises not only have senior and junior managers, but also have skilled operators, and the quality of employees is uneven, the structure of personnel is complex, these characteristics determine the construction enterprises in the performance management is more difficult. The design of performance appraisal scheme should focus on the characteristics of enterprise industry and enterprise organization model. Based on the deep analysis of the nature and characteristics of the state-owned construction enterprises and the comparative analysis of the existing performance management theories, this paper puts forward a new method and tools for the performance appraisal at home and abroad. Dynamic and value contribution (EDV) "as the core of the performance appraisal concept." At the same time, taking a state-owned petrochemical construction enterprise as an example, a set of complete train of thought and good applicability is designed to evaluate the overall performance of the construction enterprise according to the actual needs of the enterprise.
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