[Abstract]:The supply of electromechanical equipment of Ertan Hydropower Station comes from nearly 100 manufacturers at home and abroad. The contract management and equipment storage and transportation management are complicated and the working face is wide. Traditional manual management is difficult to meet the requirements of project schedule. Therefore, the project management information system of Ertan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd was developed. The system is composed of Foxpro2 5 and is divided into two modules: project management and public inquiry. The research and development of the system has promoted the standardization and scientific management of the power station electromechanical project. After the system was put into use, it played an important role in the construction of Ertan Hydropower Station in the aspects of supply dynamics of electromechanical project, transfer of mechanical and electrical equipment storage and transportation and management of electromechanical drawings.
【作者单位】: 二滩水电开发有限责任公司!四川攀枝花617000
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