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发布时间:2018-11-19 18:54
[Abstract]:The rise of the Internet and information technology has revolutionized people's way of life. In recent years, the scale of construction projects in China is growing, from infrastructure to regional coordinated development, all aspects are reflected. In this case, in order to simplify the work content, improve work efficiency, establish an advanced information management system, and upgrade the traditional project management to information management is the inevitable trend of the development of the times. According to the characteristics of Xinchang City Construction Investment Group, the design and implementation of project management system are completed in this paper. By analyzing the background and research status of the information management system and the project management mode, the author has a certain understanding of the development of the information management of the engineering project, and according to its development status, The project management system of Xinchang City Construction Investment Group is designed and implemented. In the aspect of the system function, we design and implement the personal office module, the project under construction module, the project library module, the data summary module, the decision control module, the financial management module, the examination and countersign module, the system setting module and the office system module. These modules can set up the basic information of the project, implement the node plan, manage the contract, manage the cost, manage the finance, manage the data of the enterprise and send and publish the information of the enterprise. With the interface of the main module of the system, the realization of the system is introduced. Through the corresponding test of the system, it is proved that the project management system designed and implemented in this paper can meet the needs of Xinchang City Construction Investment Group for engineering project management, and achieve the desired results. The establishment of the project management system of Xinchang City Construction and Investment Group realizes the transparency, information, integration and networking of the management. It has greatly improved the control of the progress of the project by various departments. Each department can manage the project more clearly and concretely, and can provide a unified and scientific solution when it comes to problems. Make management more scientific to carry on macroscopical control to whole project.


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